Region One Football Officials Association Rule Topics: Inadvertent Whistle We Are All Here to Learn
Officiating 101 Keep whistle out of mouth Don’t blow whistle unless you see a player down in possession of the football Don't blow whistle unless required to do so It’s harder to see football on dark jerseys It’s ok to have slow whistle (play kills itself) Keep whistle out of mouth See the football (if you can't see the ball, DON'T blow the whistle) Don’t blow the whistle unless you see a player down in possession of the football (see the football! if players back is to you, you cant see the ball) Don't blow the whistle unless you're required to do so (watch your area of responsibilities) On dark jerseys its easy to hide football (use extra precaution) It’s ok to have a slow whistle (the play kills itself)
If there is an inadvertent whistle… If you toot it, blow it loud Bean bag spot of ball (or fumble) Stop clock (whistle ends the down) Recover yourself & keep officiating If you toot it, blow it loud (its embarrassing, you may screw the game up, but don’t try to cover it up) Bean bag spot of ball (or fumble) Inadvertent whistle ends the down - Stop clock Recover yourself and keep officiating
How to Handle (Rule 4-2-3) If live ball penalty occurs prior to whistle (ALWAYS) penalty (if accepted) takes precedence over inadvertent whistle offended team can accept the penalty, or decline & replay down Ball is in player possession accept results of play (at dead ball spot) or replay down During legal forward pass, legal kick, or snap Replay down During backward pass, fumble, illegal forward pass, or illegal kick team last in possession can either: put the ball in play where possession was lost; or, replay the down Always, if there is a penalty prior to the whistle, the offended team could accept the penalty, or the penalty has to be declined to replay down The live ball penalty (if accepted) takes precedence over inadvertent whistle, and shall be administered by the basic spot While ball is in player possession accept results of play (at dead ball spot) or replay the down During legal forward pass, legal kick, or snap Replay the down This is same procedure used if ball hits a horse in the field of play During backward pass, fumble, illegal forward pass, or illegal kick team last in possession may choose to either: put the ball in play where possession was lost, or, replay the down REMEMBER, the penalty has to be declined for these options (B could accept the penalty for illegal kick or illegal forward pass)
Case Study #1 B1 intercepts A’s pass and circles into the end zone (no momentum), and official sounds an inadvertent whistle. Whose choice on options? B What are the options? Results of play or replay down What is the results of the play? Safety B1 intercepts A’s pass in the end zone, and officials sounds an inadvertent whistle. Whose choice on options? B (team last in possession, and B already intercepted the ball) What are the options? Results of play or replay down What is the results of the play? Safety (so likely will replay the down) If that was 1st & goal from the 7-yd line, with less than an minute to go in the game, and B was up by 3 points, what’s the impact of that whistle!
Case Study #2 R1 muffs a scrimmage kick, and official sounds an inadvertent whistle while ball is rolling loose. Whose choice on options? K What are the options? Replay down R1 muffs a scrimmage kick, and official sounds an inadvertent whistle while ball is rolling loose. Whose choice on options? K (team last in possession) What are the options? Replay down (whistle sounded during a legal kick and possession had not changed)
Case Study #3 A, 1st & 10 from A’s 15 YL. There is 5 seconds left in the game. A1 has long run to B’s 5 YL where B23 causes A1 to fumble. The covering official inadvertently blows whistle while ball is loose. The time expires during the down. Will there be an untimed down? Yes What are the options for A? Replay down from previous spot or Take untimed down at spot where possession is lost R1 muffs a scrimmage kick, and official sounds an inadvertent whistle while ball is rolling loose. Whose choice on options? K (team last in possession) What are the options? Replay down (whistle sounded during a legal kick and possession had not changed)