UNI 40for40 Campaign the story… Although women represent 50% of the world workforce they are still largely under-represented in decision-making structures as well as in all walks of political, economic and institutional life. For this reason, and as part of the Breaking Through strategy, the UNI World Women’s Committtee presented a recommendation to increase women representation in all UNI structures and decision making bodies by 40%. This recommendation was adopted unanimously at the UNI World Congress in Nagasaki in November 2010. This fight is a long, slow and hard process, that’s why we need to include you, and you , and you , to successfully achieve our goal and making it happen!
- The Management Committee - The World Executive Board This should apply to: - The Management Committee - The World Executive Board - All structures in the regions - All structures in the sectors - All delegations to UNI conferences Our long term objective was: To reach by 2014 a 40% women representation in all UNI decision making bodies. This would apply to: The Management Committee The World Executive Board All structures in the regions All structures in the sectors All delegations to UNI conferences
Modification to the UNI statutes to add one titular woman’s seat for each area, as well as for UNI MEI and UNI Graphical at WEB In order to reach this objective we needed to increase the number of women in the World Executive Board, so the UNI statutes were modified to increase the number of available seats by areas.
Furthermore, we created a campaign called 40for40 and planned 4 activities around it to promote the goal of 40% women representation. These activities included 1) the launch of a strong campaign which would aim to get 40 unión leaders from UNI affiliated unions to sign a declaration in which they committed themselves to support the 40% rule. 2) A second activity was to send a questionnaire to 50 affiliated unions to evaluate how they were doing in terms of equality. With the answers received from the questionnaires, 3) a practical guide was drafted to establish equality policies in unions. It also served as a way to evaluate gender equality in unions and to implement and revise those policies and practices that promote gender equality. 4) The fourth activity was to track the progress of all the regions in all sectors in both the Management Committe and the World Executive Board, as well as in all the meetings and conferences taking place. 4
Women’s representation at the WEB since 2010 (before Nagasaki) So to better illustrate the impact of the work we have carried out on this aspect and that of our campaign, let’s look at our numbers. This chart includes number of seats attributed for both Titulars and Substitutes before Nagasaki Congress in 2010. At that time we had only 17.30 % of women in our WEB.
Women representation at UNI WEB in 2016 (total) 6 years after we began the process, this is how we stand: 35% of women’s representation (a 17.7% increase since 2010)
Update on 40% women's representation in: ASIA PACIFIC Structure Total members Men Women Vacant Percentage MANAGMENT 13/12 attributed 8 4 1 33,3% EXECUTIVE 30/ 26 attributed 15 11 42,3% We have also seen improvement in UNI regions like Asia Pacific with 38% women representation in its decision making bodies 38% (28%)
Update on 40% women's representation in : AMERICAS Structure Total members Men Women Vacant Percentage MANAGMENT 18 10 8 ---- 44 % EXECUTIVE 60/ 56 attributed 42 19 4 34 % Americas with 39% total (although if you take a closer look you will see that there is still a large gap of women representation in the Americas Executive) 39% (22%)
Update on 40%women's representation in: AFRICA Structure Total members Men Women Vacant Percentage MANAGEMENT 7 4 3 ---- 43% EXECUTIVE 30 20 10 33% Africa with 38% 38% (37%)
Update on 40% women's representation in: EUROPA Structure Total Members Men Women Percentage Managment 31/26 attributed 16 10 38% Executive 81/ 79 attributed 46 35 44,30% Vacant 5 And Europe, which just concluded it’s regional conference, with an important 41,15% representation 2 41,15% (37%)
Women at the UNI Management + UNI Executive Committee - 2016 But the work is far from over. We have seen significant progress in many areas, but we still have not reached our goal. In the case of our decision making bodies, such as the Management Board and the World Executive Board, women representation reaches only 33%
33,4% Update on 40% women's representation in: UNI Global Structures Total Members Men Women Percentage World Management Board 31 27 attributed 19 8 30% World Executive Board 151 137 attributed (141) 89 48 (52) 35% (37%) Vacant 4 30% in the Management Board and 35% at the WEB 10 + (4 w) 33,4%
Women representation at the WEB 2016 (broken into Titulars and Substitutes) In the World Executive Board for example, this percentage is particularly visible in terms of titular positions, where women have 35% representation vs 65% of that of men.
Number of affiliated women declared by UNI Sectors 2016 The same happens across UNI sectors. Take a look at this chart. It represents the number of affiliated women declared by UNI sectors in 2016.
Women’s representation in Executive Boards for UNI Sector 2016 But even with large women affiliation, in some cases, more than half of the total affiliation, women are still underepresented in decision making structures such as the UNI sectors Executive Boards.
Now take a look at this picture Now take a look at this picture. What do you see in these panels and meetings?
Exactly! Just to show you how things are changing, these two pictures come from an actual website where people post pictures of all male panels with the hasthtag #allmalepanels
From possibly one of the most important all male panels of all
#ALLMALEPANEL To some of the more ironic… The idea behind this movement is to shed a light on an recurring issue through the use of humor (that is why they used David Hasselhoff with his thumb up on the previous ones). So unless we want our meetings to go viral because of the lack of women representation, we need to step up our efforts and ensure mechanisms that will allow us to reach our goal.
For this reason, the UNI World Women’s Committee would like to present the proposal of a procedure that will allow us to ensure the implementation of the 40% rule
The procedure, which is included in the documents you have received, includes measures on how we can better implement the 40% rule at UNI decision making bodies such as the MB, the WEB and the Regional Executive and Management Committees
As well as in UNI sectors and UNI groups. The 40% rule should be applicable to all positions in decision-making structures, for both titular and substitute positions.
It also includes measures for UNI statutory meetings and conferences as well as the conformation of delegations for UNI meetings and conferences. For example, during the last six years, UNI Global Union has seen a significant increase in women’s participation at UNI statutory meetings when a women’s meeting/conference takes place prior to the full conference. So we are now suggesting that this practice be applied throughout UNI, including World Sector Conferences.
The aim is for the 40% rule to be mainstreamed across the breadth of UNI activities, from Congresses to workshops. In the conduct of UNI Global Union meetings/conferences, it is important that there is a balanced participation of speakers and members of panels. The aim should be for an equal distribution of roles, whether as speakers or panel members.
We will aim to include more women in UNI activities, including organizing drives, workshops, seminars and capacity and skill building activities. Throughout all these stages, UNI Equal Opportunities will be present to help Heads of Department and Regional Secretaries implement these measures.
We Imagined a more equal union movement in Chicago, We Broke Through in Nagasaki when we adopted the 40% rule. We Included You throughout the process of implementing this rule. Now it is time to truly Make it Happen. Thank you.