Electro-Magnetic Induction © D Hoult 2008
Transmission of Electrical Energy
If the voltage across the bulb is 6V the current will be
If the voltage across the bulb is 6V the current will be 1A
If the voltage across the bulb is 6V the current will be 1A Power wasted in R = R I2 = R
If the voltage across the bulb is still 6V the current flowing through the bulb is still 1A
If the step down transformer is 100% efficient the current flowing through R is
If the step down transformer is 100% efficient the current flowing through R is 1/8 A
If the step down transformer is 100% efficient the current flowing through R is 1/8 A Power wasted in R = R I2 =
If the step down transformer is 100% efficient the current flowing through R is 1/8 A Power wasted in R = R I2 = 64
64 times less energy wasted !