Wanted to correct the problems brought by industrialization and urbanization Believed that government should take a more active role in solving society’s problems
Muckrakers Journalists who uncover scandal and corruption in society Expose unfair practices of large corporations Wanted to reform the government Wanted to fix social problems Ida Tarbell = critical of Standard Oil Company Upton Sinclair = uncovered abuses in meat-packing industry Jacob Riis = reported on poverty, disease, and crime in NYC
Reforming Government Saw corruption and inefficiency at local government level Gave jobs to political supporters and friends 2 Proposals to reform city government: 1) Commission plan – divide city gov’t into several departments each one under expert commissioner’s control 2) Council-manager – city council would hire city manager to run city instead of mayor
Election Reforms Wanted to make political system more democratic and responsive to citizens 1) direct primary – party members vote for candidate to run in general election 2) initiative – group of citizens introduce legislation and legislator must vote on
Election Reforms continued 3) Referendum – citizens vote on proposed law directly 4) Recall – option to demand a special election to remove an elected official 5) 17th Amendment – direct election of Senators
Social Reforms Created charities to help poor and disadvantage Pushed for new laws to fix social problems Jane Addams – Settlement House
Child Labor Set minimum age for employment Set maximum hours for children to be able to work
Health and Safety Codes Muller vs. Oregon – upheld states’ rights to limit hours of women working in laundries Created zoning laws to regulate how land and buildings could be used Building codes set minimum standards for light, air, room size, sanitation and fire escapes Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire Health codes required restaurants and other facilities to maintain clean environments
Suffrage Right to vote Pushed for women’s suffrage 19th amendment (1920) gave women the right to vote