john John 18.1–19.13 Consummation 01
1. What statement is repeated three times in this paragraph (18.1–11)?
2. What did Peter say when asked if he was Jesus’s disciple (18.12–18)?
3. What did Jesus tell Annas he needed to do to find out about his disciples and teaching (18.19–24)?
4. How many times did Peter deny Jesus (18.25–27)?
5. Why did the Jews say they had brought Jesus to Pilate (18.28–32)?
6. What was Pilate’s conclusion after interro-gating Jesus (18.33–40)?
7. What did Pilate attempt to do multiple times in this paragraph (19
Digging Deeper:
8. Why did the soldiers fall to the ground when Jesus said, “I am” (18
9. How did John know Malchus (18.10, 15, 16)?
10. Where did Jesus say, “Of those whom you gave me I have lost not one” (18.9)?
11. Where did Caiaphas advise “the Jews that it would be expedient that one man should die for the people” (18.14)?
12. Where had Jesus “spoken to show by what kind of death he was going to die” (18.32)?
13. What kingdom did Jesus refer to in 18.36?
14. What prophecies from the Old Testament are fulfilled in 18. 1–19
15. Judas, Peter, and the Jewish crowd were all against Jesus in our text. What are some ways that we are tempted to be like Judas, Peter, or the Jewish crowd?
16. What should the fulfilled prophecies mean to us 16. What should the fulfilled prophecies mean to us? How can we use these fulfilled prophecies in teaching others?
john John 18.1–19.13 Consummation 01
john John 19.14–20.31 Consummation 02