Monday 1/23 TH/FRI-MEET WITH COUNSELORS REGARDING REGISTRATION! New Vocab Word of the Week! Pernicious: adjective: causing insidious harm or ruin; ruinous; injurious; hurtful What examples can you think of? Vocab test Wednesday-can you utilize the words in written form? You are allowed your list of words but nothing else (phones, etc.). It will be a freewrite. Monday 1/23 TH/FRI-MEET WITH COUNSELORS REGARDING REGISTRATION!
Tues 1/24 Take out your Timed Writing & Reflection sheet. Get the anchor packet off the front table. Turn and face your desk to a partner. Tues 1/24
In your journal: Our goal with each essay is growth In your journal: Our goal with each essay is growth. How can you become a stronger writer, who knows how to quickly conquer any essay put in front of you (beyond the test)? With that said, what would you like to add to the process of reviewing essays that you think would benefit you for growth? Wednesday 1/25
Wed. Vocab Test! Take out a lined sheet of paper. Goal: utilize each vocabulary word in context in a freewrite. Simply writing a short paragraph using the four words will not earn you a grade. Develop some sort of cohesive scenario in which all four words would appear. 15 minutes You must use: Juggernaut-noun-an unstoppable force Kinship: noun: state of being related to people in your family OR the feeling of being close or connected to people Fatuous –adjective-derives from the Latin fatuus meaning "foolish.“ Accost-verb-to approach and speak to before being greeted esp in an intrusive way Wed. Vocab Test!
Get a textbook (WHERE ARE ALL OF MINE?! I should have a class set of 15). Open up to pages 252-254. In your journal-what’s the difference between a sentence fragment and a short, simple sentence? When can a short, simple sentence be rhetorically effective? Complete Exercise 3: Wed.