QR Question Hunt In your cooperative learning groups, use the QR scanner to scan for questions relating to “ The Third Wish.” Then discuss your questions.


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Presentation transcript:

QR Question Hunt In your cooperative learning groups, use the QR scanner to scan for questions relating to “ The Third Wish.” Then discuss your questions in your group. Follow the directions below to complete the activity. Get into assigned cooperative/collaborative groups. Scan your first question. Using the Accountable Talk rubric, discuss and answer the question . Scan the next question and continue with the same process until all questions have been completed. After all questions have been answered, check your answers using the QR codes. This task uses: QR Beamer App and www.classtools.net Common Core/NG Standard(s): SL.8.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 7 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. SL.8.5 Include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations to clarify claims and findings and emphasize salient points. TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Dawn Rainwater/ dawn.rainwater@cpsb.org School: DeQuincy Middle School Grade Level/Subject: 8th Grade/ELA Task Card Level: 2 Special Directions/Considerations: Download the QR Beamer app to student i-Pads. Also, follow steps at this website to prepare for the lesson: or if you have computers with web cams you can open QR readers (Qrstuff.com) http://www.classtools.net/QR/teacher.php?fold=38&fname=FSScc Activity Evaluation: Accountable Talk Discussion Rubric Prerequisites for students: Accountable Talk lesson (with student discussion starters and rubric) http://www.theteachertoolkit.com/index.php/tool/accountable-discussions. Rubric: http://fchsteaching2.wikispaces.com/file/view/Accountable+Talk+Rubric+-+In-depth.pdf Text being used (from the Holt): “The Third Wish”