Estimation of CO2 exchange between maize field and atmosphere in North China Guo Jianxia1,2 Bian Lingen1 Gao Zhiqiu1 1.Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences 2.Beijing Normal University 2006.8.9
Motivation To better understand the net exchange of CO2 between maize field and atmosphere in a large scale. To better understand the density correction method for CO2 flux.
Site and instruments Site Gucheng, Hebei province, China altitude: 15.2 m location: 39.08º N , 115.48ºE; southwest to Beijing about 110 km Instruments three dimensional sonic anemometer (CSAT3, Campbell,USA) open-path infrared gas analyzer (LiCor 7500, LICOR, USA) mounted at 16 m high above the surface Data period for study from 11-Jun to 20-Oct.,2004
Data processing Despiking Average time period: 30 minutes Planar fit coordinate rotation for every 10 days Flux correction with two methods: 1. WPL method (Webb et al., 1980) 2. Liu method (Liu,2005)
Growing stages of maize (day/month,2004) Seeding emergence 3-leaf 7-leaf jointing heading blooming spinning Milkripe maturity harvesting 24/6 1/7 4/7 13/7 24/7 14/8 17/8 20/8 7/9 30/9 7/10
Variation of CO2 concentration
Comparison of the CO2 flux obtained from three methods Raw flux WPL correction (Webb et al.,1980) Liu correction (Liu,2005)
Correlations between CO2 fluxes Mean bias WPL:0.123(-0.002)mg m-2 s-1 Liu:0.01 (-0.006 mg m-2 s-1 )
correlations of correction terms Y=0.9907x R=1 Y=0.3764x R=0.9907 Y=0.9907x R=0.99 sensible heat term contribution:78% (91% ) latent heat term contribution: 22% (9% )
Raw flux -1.9mg m-2 s-1
Liu correction -1.6mg m-2 s-1 WPL correction -1.7mg m-2 s-1
Variation of daily NEE -9.6 -10.1 gC m-2day-1 -11.7 Bias to WPL method: -1.6 gC m-2day-1 (raw flux) - 0.33 gC m-2day-1 (Liu method) maximum carbon taking stage: the abloom stage, followed by spin-ripe stage and jointing stage.
NEE of the whole period -132 gC m-2 -176gC m-2 -162 -206 -343 gC m-2 -359
Conclusions 1. The influence of Human’s field activities on CO2 concentration is more significant than that on CO2 flux. 2.The maximum carbon assimilation of maize canopy occurs at the abloom stage, followed by spin-ripe stage and jointing stage.
3.The value of net exchange of CO2 flux is sensitive to the density correction methods. It should be pay more attention.
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