Class F3P Indoor Aerobatic Power Model Aircrafts Final Schedule F3P – AF-19 (2018-2019)
( not judged, not scored ) Take-off procedure ( not judged, not scored ) Explainations: Aircraft upright Aircraft inverted Aircraft in Knife Edge Safety line
AF-19.01 Double Key with ¼ roll, ¼ roll, ¼ roll, ¼ roll From upright, pull through a ¼ loop into a vertical upline, perform a ¼ roll, perform a 5/8 knife-edge loop into a 45°downline, perform a ¼ roll, push through a ¼ loop into a 45° upline, perform a ¼ roll, perform a 5/8 knife edge loop into a vertical down-line, perform a ¼ roll, pull through a ¼ loop, exit upright. F3P-AF-19.01.01
AF-19.01 Double Key with ¼ roll, ¼ roll, ¼ roll, ¼ roll During Knife Edge the wing must be in the vertical plane. ¼ ¼ rolls on middle of the lines. ¼ ¼ ¼ All radii are equal. F3P-AF-19.01.02
AF-19.01 Double Key with ¼ roll, ¼ roll, ¼ roll, ¼ roll or From upright, pull through a ¼ loop into a vertical upline, perform a ¼ roll, perform a 5/8 knife-edge loop into a 45°downline, perform a ¼ roll, push through a ¼ loop into a 45° upline, perform a ¼ roll, perform a 5/8 knife edge loop into a vertical down-line, perform a ¼ roll, pull through a ¼ loop, exit upright. F3P-AF-19.01.03
AF-19.01 Double Key with ¼ roll, ¼ roll, ¼ roll, ¼ roll During Knife Edge the wing must be in the vertical plane. ¼ ¼ rolls on middle of the lines. ¼ ¼ ¼ All radii are equal. or F3P-AF-19.01.04
According to the manoeuvre describtion the manoeuvre may be flown with with different length of the center vertical up and downlines. F3P-AF-19.01.05
AF-19.02 Shark Fin with four consecutive 1/8 rolls, ½ roll, ½ roll From upright, pull through a 1/8 loop loop into a 45° upline, perform consecutively four 1/8 rolls, pull through a 3/8 loop into a vertical downline, perform a ½ roll, push through a ¼ loop, perform a ½ roll, exit upright. F3P-AF-19.02.01
AF-19.02 Shark Fin with four consecutive 1/8 rolls, ½ roll, ½ roll 1/8 rolls centered on middle of the line. 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 45° All radii are equal. Lines between (part) rolls must be short and of equal recognizeable length. ½ roll on middle of the line. F3P-AF-19.02.02
AF-19.03 Three consecutive opposite rolls From upright, perform three consecutive rolls in opposite direction, exit upright. F3P-AF-19.03.01
AF-19.03 Three consecutive opposite rolls Rolls must have the same roll rate. Between rolls in opposite direction there must be no line. F3P-AF-19.03.02
AF-19. 04 Knife Edge Humpty Bump with two consecutive AF-19.04 Knife Edge Humpty Bump with two consecutive opposite ¼ rolls, ½ roll integrated, ½ roll ½ roll integrated ¼ roll ¼ roll ½ roll From upright, pull through a ¼ loop into a vertical upline, perform consecutively two ¼ rolls in opposite direction, perform a ½ knife-edge loop, while integrating a ½ roll, perform a ½ roll, pull through a ¼ loop, exit upright. F3P-AF-19.04.01
AF-19. 04 Knife Edge Humpty Bump with two consecutive AF-19.04 Knife Edge Humpty Bump with two consecutive opposite ¼ rolls, ½ roll integrated, ½ roll ½ roll integrated The ½ roll must be integrated on circular flightpath of the ½ knife edge loop. ¼ rolls and ½ roll on middle of the line lines. ¼ ¼ All radii are equal. The Manoeuvre may be flown to the outside, too! F3P-AF-19.04.02
AF-19.05 Two Loops with opposite rolls integrated roll integrated Loop 1 From upright, pull through a loop while performing a roll integrated, ... F3P-AF-19.05.01
AF-19.05 Two Loops with opposite rolls integrated roll integrated Loop 2 ... pull through another loop, while performing a roll integrated in opposite direction, exit upright. F3P-AF-19.05.02
AF-19.05 Two Loops with opposite rolls integrated The loops must be round. The rolls must be integrated on circular flightpath of the loops. Roll reversal must be immediate. F3P-AF-19.05.03
AF-19.06 Tail Slide with ½ roll From upright, pull through a ¼ loop into a vertical upline, perform a ½ roll, perform a tail slide (canopy up) into a vertical downline pull through a ¼ loop, exit upright. F3P-AF-19.06.01
AF-19.06 Tail Slide with ½ roll Flipover = 0 points. ½ roll on middle of the line. All radii are equal. F3P-AF-19.06.02
AF-19.07 Figure N with ¼ roll, ¼ circle, two consecutive ¼ rolls, two ½ rolls integrated in the corners, two consecutive ¼ rolls, ¼ circle, ¼ roll ¼ roll ½ roll integrated ¼ roll ¼ roll ¼ roll ¼ roll ½ roll integrated ¼ roll From upright, perform a ¼ roll in the centre, perform a sustained knife-edge flight, perform a ¼ knife-edge circle into crossbox knife edge-flight, perform two consecutive ¼ rolls, perform a 3/8 knife-edge circle while integrating a ½ roll outside into a knife edge-flight on 45˚, perform a 3/8 knife-edge circle while integrating a ½ roll outside, into a crossbox knife edge-flight, perform two consecutive ¼ rolls, perform a ¼ knife-edge circle, perform a ¼ roll, exit upright. F3P-AF-19.07.01
AF-19.07 Figure N with ¼ roll, ¼ circle, two consecutive ¼ rolls, two ½ rolls integrated in the corners, two consecutive ¼ rolls, ¼ circle, ¼ roll During Knife Edge the wing must be in the vertical plane. ¼ Integrated rolls must be outside. Lines between part rolls must be short and of equal recognizable length. ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ rolls centered on middle of the line. ¼ ¼ All radii are equal. F3P-AF-19.07.02
AF-19.08 Knife Edge Humpty Bump with ¼ roll, ¼ roll From upright, pull through a 3/8 loop into a 45° upline, perform a ¼ roll, perform a ½ knife-edge loop into a 45° downline, per-form a ¼ roll, pull through a 3/8 loop, exit upright. F3P-AF-19.08.01
AF-19.08 Knife Edge Humpty Bump with ¼ roll, ¼ roll During Knife Edge the wing must be in the vertical plane. ¼ 45° ¼ ¼ rolls on middle of the line. All radii are equal. F3P-AF-19.08.02
AF-19.08 Knife Edge Humpty Bump with ¼ roll, ¼ roll or From upright, pull through a 3/8 loop into a 45° upline, perform a ¼ roll, perform a ½ knife-edge loop into a 45° downline, per-form a ¼ roll, pull through a 3/8 loop, exit upright. F3P-AF-19.08.03
AF-19.08 Knife Edge Humpty Bump with ¼ roll, ¼ roll During Knife Edge the wing must be in the vertical plane. ¼ 45° ¼ ¼ rolls on middle of the line. All radii are equal. or F3P-AF-19.08.04
AF-19. 09 Vertical Square Eight with consecutive ¼ torque roll, AF-19.09 Vertical Square Eight with consecutive ¼ torque roll, opposite ½ torque roll, ½ roll, roll, consecutive ½ torque roll, opposite ¼ torque roll ½ roll ¼ torque roll ½ torque roll ½ torque roll ¼ torque roll ½ roll From upright, fly past centre, pull through a ¼ loop into a vertical upline, perform consecutively a ¼ torque roll and a, ½ torque roll in opposite direction, perform a ¼ knife loop, perform a ½ roll, perform a ¼ knife-edge loop into a vertical downline, perform a ¼ knife loop, perform a ½ roll, perform a ¼ knife-edge loop into a vertical upline, perform consecutively a ½ torque roll and a, ¼ torque roll in opposite direction, push through a ¼ loop, exit upright F3P-AF-19.09.01
AF-19. 09 Vertical Square Eight with consecutive ¼ torque roll, AF-19.09 Vertical Square Eight with consecutive ¼ torque roll, opposite ½ torque roll, ½ roll, roll, consecutive ½ torque roll, opposite ¼ torque roll ½ rolls on middle of the line. ¼ T ½ T ½ T ¼ T Torque rolls centered on middle of the line. All radii are equal. All radii are equal. F3P-AF-19.09.02
AF-19. 10 Half Hourglass with two consecutive ¼ rolls, roll, two AF-19.10 Half Hourglass with two consecutive ¼ rolls, roll, two consecutive ¼ rolls ¼ roll roll Part 1 ¼ roll From upright, push though a 1/8 loop into a 45° downline, perform consecutively two ¼ rolls, push through a 3/8 loop into a vertical upline, perform a roll, ... F3P-AF-19.10.01
AF-19. 10 Half Hourglass with two consecutive ¼ rolls, roll, two AF-19.10 Half Hourglass with two consecutive ¼ rolls, roll, two consecutive ¼ rolls ¼ roll ¼ roll Part 2 ... push through a 3/8 loop into a 45° downline, perform consecutively two ¼ rolls, push through a 1/8 loop, exit inverted. F3P-AF-19.10.02
AF-19. 10 Half Hourglass with two consecutive ¼ rolls, roll, two AF-19.10 Half Hourglass with two consecutive ¼ rolls, roll, two consecutive ¼ rolls Lines between part rolls must be short and of equal recognizable length. 45° ¼ ¼ ¼ rolls centered on middle of the line. ¼ ¼ Roll on middle of the line. All radii are equal. All radii are equal. F3P-AF-19.10.03
AF-19. 11 Figure Z with two consecutive 1/8 rolls, two consecutive AF-19.11 Figure Z with two consecutive 1/8 rolls, two consecutive ¼ rolls, two consecutive 1/8 rolls 1/8 roll 1/8 roll ¼ roll ¼ roll 1/8 roll 1/8 roll From inverted, perform consecutively two 1/8 rolls, perform a 3/8 knife-edge loop into a 45° upline, perform consecutively two ¼ rolls, perform a 3/8 knife edge loop, perform consecutively two 1/8 rolls, exit upright. F3P-AF-19.11.01
AF-19. 11 Figure Z with two consecutive 1/8 rolls, two consecutive AF-19.11 Figure Z with two consecutive 1/8 rolls, two consecutive ¼ rolls, two consecutive 1/8 rolls 1/8 1/8 ¼ rolls centered on middle of the line. ¼ Lines between part rolls must be short and of equal recognizable length. ¼ 45° 1/8 1/8 All radii are equal. F3P-AF-19.11.02
( not judged, not scored ) Landing sequence ( not judged, not scored ) Forget WHO is flying (friend, rival, countryman, flier from other nation) Forget WHAT is flying LOOK ONLY AT LINES DESCRIBED .... (and the precision, smoothness, positioning, and size) Safety line © Peter Uhlig, December 2017