Welcome to Business Day 2011 Welcome to what is eProcurement session. Cartoon save that thought www.dilbert.com/strips/comic/2007-11-08 Renee Braun Procurement Services
What is eProcurement? The use of the internet or a company’s intranet to procure goods and services used in the conduct of business. www.businessdictionary.com
NYS Contract Suppliers Staples UPS VWR User friendly and customized web portals for the University to view NYS contract rates
Benefits Streamlines ordering and payment process User friendly portals to order commonly required products and specific services Approval process/Administrative function Increased order accuracy View NYS Contract rates Quicker delivery Easy access to tracking status history and email notification By using user friendly and customized Judy’s story process saved 3 steps 2 for Judy 1 for Amy no idi enduser creates the order routes to an approver just like ereq the approver accept order can make changes and click submit directly to the supplier Good example of improve efficiency by eliminating unnecessary steps Explain UPS admin feature Flexiibilty in set up to make it condusive the departments needs Next day delivery, Administration cost of 100.00 for each ereq order confirmations the for VWR AND sTAPLES ups has a administrative function. The admin centralized control and visibilty for the department can view the users activity history next delivery desktop delivery VWR order before 12. no past dues invoices due to consolidated billing method no floating invoices. Less hands touching enduser can place order and Innovative cost savings and efficiency Easy access and tracking order confirmation availability
Benefits Continued No need for eReqs or Speed Orders Can allocate expenditures using all funds Consolidated billing Point was made in the in the cartoon ,instead of processing an ereq,which is an adminisrative cost of $100 per ereq. and entering the information every time an ereq is created just log into one of the 3 portals all of the inofrmation is already in your profile all you neeed to do is select the items and allocate the expediture to a departmental account no idi’s as I was geeting every story about their department process wasStaples monthly ups weekly vwr research weekly state monthly and ubf 16th and 30th Consolidated billing no past due invoices. VWR is the newest member of consolidated billing eProcurement tab message cbill frequency
University Business Services Homepage http://ubbusines.buffalo.edu Access Start account set go ubbusiness homepage forms up Online ordering authorization form ,in the ups link campusship guide UPS information sheet UPS Link Forms
UPS Information Sheet Helpful information sheet this refer thus this sheet helpful tool,contact information, Drop box locations ,ups customer service assistance, ,same day PICKUP PHONE REQUESTS, make sure you identify that you are with the university
Please complete form and return to: braun@buffalo.edu or fax 645-2687 When the account has been created you will receive an autogenerated email with the login information username and temp password
Staples Advantage Login Staples the familiar one enhanced search and browse. Explain research blanket order or amex
Select Ship-to Location Select ship to location funding source Ship-To Location
Home Page Change Ship to Shopping lists, change ship to location ubf nc c state nc c
Item Search Change Ship to Item Search Shopping lists
Enter Multiple Items If you have the item numbers
Select Item and Check Out View/Check Out Select item add to cart and checkout
View Shopping Cart
Purchase / Shipping Information Room number
Account Information Research enter PO number UBF enter account number with the dash and state select from drop down click invoice this account also option of pcard and submit order or route to approver to submit order Place Order or Route to Approver
Comparative Feature Compare Select the items you would like to compare
Comparative Feature
Shopping Lists Create Shopping Lists
My Orders My Orders My order order status return appove order searh for orders
Customer Service Customer service helpful links tutorial reference guide tech support number
Seamless/order placement and delivery remains the same University at Buffalo is working together with Staples to meet our diversity spending goals Transfer office supplies program to run through Proftech, a business partner of Staples Seamless/order placement and delivery remains the same Changes-New URL and Summary Billing will be from Proftech A marketing piece will be emailed shortly with the new URL. Please log in User id and password will remain the same. During Business Days please feel free to bring your questions to the Staples table
Making Shipping More Efficient View CampusShip User Tutorial www.ups.com/techtutorials/campusshipusertutorial
Login Information Page profile has ben created
User ID and Password enter user id and password if you lock yourself out the department admin or myself can reset password
Administration Tab Always good to have 2 admin for a depaartment admin create and delete multiple users the damin tab is great benefit to utilize if you have a large department with different locations can view activity through history elimates having to ask for paperwork form dept useres
Manage Users
Create User
Manage User Information Once the user profile is created they will receive the login information.
My Settings Build address lists, Print shipping labels from desktop printer Validate addresses to reduce delays and additional charges View NYS contract rates and various shipping options Enable multiple users within each department to ship Build address lists Provide easy access to tracking numbers, history and email notification
Shipping Preferences Select service packaging, set account number default, email notifications, international documentation
E-mail Notifications
Create a Shipment Create a shipment create a return, validate address feature reduces additional charges and delays
Select Service Select packaging letter my packaging type and service next day air-compare time and cost ability to make better shipping choices Compare
Allocate Shipping Charges Mandatory Reference Fields Reference Fields 1st Account Number 2nd Funding Source 3rd Department Use 1st Account Number 2nd Funding Source Enter account numbers (same format as eReq) 3rd Department Use 1st Reference same format as ereq 3 mandatory fileds all funding sources Account charged 1 a week ok 1 1/2weeks/ click next
Shipping Document Print label right from desk top print more efficient method than the hand written documents. Which create delays and address correction fees
Statement 1st and 2nd Reference Departmental account number wlil appear on invoice balance zero already paid not further action /supply chain bills
Billing and Payment
UPS Billing Center
Electronic Invoice View statement online, have previous invoice in front of you
Invoice Notification Receive weekly
UPS CampusShip Detail
Select My Account
Shipping Information
Select Shipping Account Number Select the correct ship account number corresponding to the funding source that you will allocating the charges to
Select Funding Source Example of
Enter Ship To Address
Select Items
Search for Items
Select and Add to Basket
Shopping Basket Checkout or route to approver to submit
Checkout Ship to address has already been entered
Enter Additional E-mail Address
Payment Information Dept use field,review order
Review and Place Order Review route to approver if needed and place order Place Order or Route to Approver
Create Shopping Lists Click to Chat Create shopping lists tabs products, services programs support search click and chat
Order Status Invoice and order detail status
Questions? Stop by the eProcurement table to sign up for a training session ! Thank you for attending UB Business Day 2011 Presentation will be posted on UBBusiness