Patterns 4 & 5 use Linking Verbs Similar to the verb “be” Do not show an action Can be replaced with an “=“ sign What do they show? A relationship between the subject and the complement Connects or links the subject with more information
True Linking Verbs Never describe the action Always connect the subject to additional information. Most common: “to be” “to become” “to seem”
Forms of “to be” Am Is Are Was Were Was being Are being Is being Has Has been Have been Will have been Had been Might have been
Forms of “to Become” Become Becomes Became Has become Have become Had become Will become Will have become
Forms of “to seem” Seemed Seeming Seems Has seemed Have seemed Had seemed Will seem
Determining Other Linking verbs Many verbs can function as an action and a linking verb. Generally seen in verbs that reflect the 5 senses Examples: Grow, look, prove, remain, smell, sound, taste, turn, stay, get, appear, feel
Linking verb Test If it is not a True Linking Verb, you can test to see if it is being used to connect ideas or as an action. Test 1: Replace the verb with an = sign The tree grows tall. The tree = tall. If you are unsure of this method, try method 2. Test 2: Replace the verb with a matching form of “to be” School lunch tastes terrible. School lunch is terrible.