PREFIXES a, an anti bi brady contra dys endo epi ex hemi hyper hypo inter intra leuko micro neo peri poly post pre pro semi sub tach
PREFIXES MEANINGS brady = slow epi = upon, over, upper ex = outside of, beyond hemi = half leuko = white neo = new pro = in front of, forward sub = less, under, below tach = rapid, fast
MEANINGS a, an = without, absent anti = against bi = life contra = opposite, against dys = difficult endo = within hyper = above, excessive hypo = below, under
MEANINGS inter = between parts intra = within a part micro = small peri = around poly = many post = after pre = before semi = one-half, part
SUFFIXES: DEFINITIONS centesis: surgical puncture to remove fluid genetic, genic: origin, producing, creation gram: tracing, picture, record graph: diagram, instrument for recording ic, ac: pertaining to megaly: larger, enlarged
MORE DEFINITIONS ologist: person who does, studies orrhea: flow, discharge osis: condition, state, process plegia: paralysis sclerosis: dryness, or hardness spasm: involuntary contraction uria: urine
EXAMPLES algia (myalgia-muscle pain) centesis (throracentesis-surgical puncture to remove fluid from chest) ectomy (tonsillectomy-surgical removal of tonsils) genetic, genic (cytogenic-origin of cells) gram (electrocardiogram-tracing of the electrical activity in the heart) graph (electrocardiograph-instrument for recording electrical activity in the heart)
EXAMPLES ic, ac (thoracic-pertaining to the chest) itis (pharyngitis-inflammation of the throat) lysis (thrombolysis-destruction or dissolving of clots megaly (cardiomegaly-enlarged heart)
AND MORE EXAMPLES ologist (radiologist-person who studies radiographs) ology (hematology-study of blood) oma (carcinoma-cancerous tumor) orrhea (rhinorrhea-flow or discharge from the nose) osis (necrosis-condition or process of death) otomy (craniotomy-cutting into the skull)
MORE path (pathology-study of disease) phobia (hydrophobia-fear of water) plasty (chondroplasty-surgical repair of cartilage) plegia (hemiplegia-paralysis of half of the body)
LAST EXAMPLES sclerosis (arteriosclerosis-hardness of an artery) scope (otoscope-instrument for examining the ear) spasm (myospasm-contraction of muscle) stasis (homeostasis-maintaining the same constant level) uria (hematuria-blood in uria)
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