Modern forms of terrorism To explore modern forms of terrorism To consider how we can protest peacefully.
Moral dilemma – 2 minutes Your friend is bullying another girl in your school. She’s being really cruel and causing this girl serious emotional harm. You’re the only one who knows about it. What do you do?
Moral dilemma – 2 minutes You have been sat next to someone on the train who has very racist views and is expressing them on a phone conversation. What would you do?
Moral dilemma – 2 minutes Your teacher has told the her views on how the country should be run, and told you that you have to believe her. You don’t though! What should you do?
Moral dilemma – 2 minutes You are angry and your best friend as she’s befriended someone that you despise and is horrible to you. What do you do?
How have people reacted to terrorism? Throughout history where there has been terrorist or deviant groups people have responded with hatred and fear towards anyone associated with that group. In World War II Hitler used the fear of Jewish people to exterminate millions of innocent Jews, as well as instilling homophobic views to kill gay people, and prejudice against other groups as well. In 1919 the British Army open fired in to a crowd of men, women and children Sikhs who were protesting against British rule, killing almost 400 people. This led to Gandhi to push for the freedom of India from British rule.
How have people reacted to terrorism? On the following slides I’m going to give you some clues about people or groups that are reacting to Islamic terrorists by stereotyping all Muslims and reacting in terrorist ways themselves. You need to guess who it is out of the pictures on your sheets.. Put your hand up when you think you have the answer and we’ll see if we can get to the end with everyone with their hands up.
Guess who… I am afraid of terrorism. I also hate feminism and communism I am Norwegian In 2011 I set off a bomb in government buildings in Oslo killing 8 people and then I went to an Island where the Norwegian labour youth party were gathering, opening fire on unarmed adolescents killing 69 people. I stated that the purpose of the attack was to save Norway and Western Europe from a Muslim takeover, and that the Labour Party had to "pay the price" for "letting down Norway and the Norwegian people I am Anders Behring Breivik
Guess who… I am a neo-Nazi I am British Over 13 days in 1999 I planted nail bombs in 3 places across London killing 3 people and injuring over 100. I was aiming for the Bangladeshi, black and gay communities I wanted to do this to cause a racial war in this country. I wanted there to be a backlash from the ethnic minorities I am David Copeland
Guess who… I am an American I am an extremist Christian I am anti-abortion and anti-homosexuality I am responsible for a series of bombings between 1996 and 1998, which killed two people and injured 111 others I believed that white people are the chosen people of God and bombed to put my views across. I am Eric Rudolph
Guess who…. We are seen as hooligans We have conducted many protests. Many of our protests are violent. Our views are racist and we want all non-white people out of Britain. We judge all Muslims because we are afraid of terrorism and don’t recognise that most Muslims are proud to be British too and are also fighting against terrorism. We are the ENGLISH DEFENCE LEAGUE
Do you think that these people’s actions helped win people over to their way of thinking? Instead of uniting people to fight against terrorism what do you think their actions are really going to do?
If these are the answers, what are the questions? Backlash Fear Hatred Respect Unity
3 minutes Spider diagram We all may have disagreements in society then. How can we deal with these peacefully and in the correct way?
In groups read through your story of non-violent resistance. By either creating a drama piece or a picture explain to your class the story. Václav Havel Lech Wałęsa Mahatma Gandhi Martin Luther King Aung San Suu Kyi
Discuss Why have non-violent movements been more successful at changing people’s opinions and ideas than violent ones? What do you think is the most powerful form of protest?
Task Create a peaceful picket board to protest again or for something that you would change.