Chapter 12 Love and Commitment
Chapter Overview Love and Commitment Divorce and Its Consequences The Divorce Experience Single-Parent Families Remarriage Love and Commitment Adjusting to Intimate Relationships Sharing Responsibilities Communication and Conflict Making the Relationship Better Sexuality Changes Over Time Love and Intimacy The Ingredients of Love Love and Close Relationships Commitment Cohabitation Marriage and Other Committed Relationships
Chapter Summary Love and Intimacy Commitment The Ingredients of Love Love and Close Relationships Commitment Cohabitation Marriage and Other Committed Relationships
Chapter Summary cont’d Adjusting to Intimate Relationships Sharing Responsibilities Communication and Conflict Making the Relationship Better Sexuality Changes Over Time
Chapter Summary cont’d Divorce and Its Consequences The Divorce Experience Single-Parent Families Remarriage
The Ingredients of Love Love Love and Intimacy The Ingredients of Love Love Involves deep and tender feelings of affection for or attachment to one or more persons. …overlaps somewhat with friendships. …involves greater exclusiveness and emotional involvement. …can involve more ambivalence, conflict, distress, and mutual criticism than friendships. …involves more willingness to give our utmost for partners. The Ingredients of Love: Love involves deep and tender feelings of affection for or attachment to one or more persons. Intimate relationships such as love overlap somewhat with friendships. Love, however, involves greater exclusiveness and emotional involvement. Thus, love relationships contain more ambivalence, conflict, distress, and mutual criticism than friendships. Love also involves more willingness to give our utmost for partners.
Types of Love Love and Intimacy cont’d ROMANTIC LOVE: The strong, emotional attachment to a person of the opposite sex and, on occasion, the same sex. PASSIONATE LOVE: An intense emotional reaction to a potential romantic partner who may not even love you in return (i.e., head-over-heels feeling). COMPANIATE LOVE: A loving but practical relationship based primarily on emotional closeness and commitment rather than physical or sexual intimacy.