Earth’s Changing Atmosphere The sun supplies the atmosphere’s energy
Energy from the sun heats the atmosphere Most energy comes from the Sun Some of this energy takes the form of visible light Radiation is energy that moves across distances in the form of electromagnetic waves (EM waves) About 30% of incoming solar energy is reflected by clouds, the atmosphere, and Earth’s surface About 70% of solar radiation is absorbed and becomes different forms of energy
The atmosphere moves energy Energy moves place to place by radiation, conduction and convection Earth’s surface, heated by the Sun, radiates energy that is absorbed by certain atmospheric gases, which then warms the air. 1. Conduction: the transfer of energy from one substance to another through direct contact 2. Convection: the transfer of energy from place to place by the motion of heated gas or liquid. 3. Radiation: energy that moves across distances
6.2 Energy from the Sun moves through Earth's atmosphere in three ways. Transfer of Energy Radiation, conduction, and convection move energy from place to place.
The atmosphere has temperature layers The atmosphere’s temperature changes with altitude Starting from the Earth’s surface, the layers are: 1. Troposphere: temperatures decrease with altitude 2. Stratosphere: temperatures increase due to the presence of ozone (a gas that absorbs UV radiation) 3. Mesosphere: temperatures again decrease with altitude 4. Thermosphere: temperatures rise
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