Lab 21 Spinal Cord and ANS
Upcoming schedule Today: Thurs: Next Tuesday: Finish Lects 12a and 12b Lab 21 Thurs: Lects 13 and 14 (both brief) Lab 22 Practical 4: Brain regions (internal and external) plus cranial nerves (names locations and functions) Labs due: 18b, 19 Next Tuesday: Exam 4: Chapters 12, 13, 14: 6 - 7:30 Optional 25 min video of brain surgery Labs due: 21, 22 Extra Credit due (hard copy please) T.G.I.O.
Activities Look at spinal cord models Look at and draw spinal cord slide: label gray and write matter, dorsal root and ventral root, and meninges Look at spinal cord demo (cow) Study ANS Ignore: Activity 2 (white matter tracts, plexuses); Activity 6 (BIOPAC) Turn in review sheet and s.c. drawing next Tuesday (Don’t need to do numbers: 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 19, or 20)