Classifications of Government August 13, 2008
Who Can Participate? Two basic forms or answers: Democracy Dictatorships
Supreme political authority rests with the people in a Democracy. People are sovereign
In a dictatorship, those who rule are not accountable to the will of the people! I’m Czar Ramsey Ruler of Ramsetopia Click Please
What is the Geographic Distribution of Power? There are three basic forms or answers:
Unitary Government A.K.A. a centralized government All powers of government belong to a single, central agency.
Federal Government Powers are divided between a central government and several local governments
Confederate Government A confederation is an alliance of independent states. The central government only handles those responsibilities given to it by the states
What is the relationship between Legislative & Executive Branches? Two basic forms:
In a presidential government the executive and legislative branches are independent and equal Chief executive is chosen independently from the legislature
In a parliamentary government, the executive (Prime minister or premier) is selected from the majority party in the legislature.