The Sexual imprinting of facial hair preference on female mate selection By, Sierra koskela.


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Presentation transcript:

The Sexual imprinting of facial hair preference on female mate selection By, Sierra koskela

Definitions Masculinity Sexual attraction Sexual imprinting

Background information Masculinity ratings increased as the amount of facial hair increased (Dixson & Brooks, 2013). Masculine men achieve greater mating and reproductive success (Rhodes, Simmons & Peters, 2005). No effect of fertility on women’s preferences for facial hair distribution Evidence for sexual imprinting to be weak in humans; more research is needed to be done (Rantala & Marcinkowska, 2011).

Why this is important Researchers have concluded that more studies are needed to test the role of sexual imprinting Important for speciation

Hypothesis It is predicted that women who rate their relationship with their father positively will rate men with a facial hair distribution similar to their father’s as more attractive due to sexual imprinting.

Participants 40 female participants Undergraduates from lower-level psychology courses Sign-up sheet outside of the Psychology Department Rewarded blue card for extra credit

Design Repeated measures experimental design Independent variable (Three levels) Two dependent variables

Materials Demographic survey Digitally modified male face pictures Likert-type scales Father-Daughter Relationship Rating Scale (Brown, Thompson & Trafimow, 2002).

Procedure Informed consent Demographic survey Fill out Likert-scales while viewing nine face pictures Father-Daughter Relationship Rating Scale Debriefed and rewarded Session should last a total of 20 minutes

Results Chi-square test for independence Means and standard deviations

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