Writing a Theme-Based Essay Based on The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
A Theme-Based Essay Has Introductory paragraph -Paragraph ends with your claim statement that includes your theme statement Body Paragraphs (at least three) - Topic sentence - Supporting Sentences and quotations - Concluding Sentence Concluding Paragraph (restate claim statement)
Theme Statements Theme statements must be a complete thought. A theme of a novel is not just “Friendship”. What are we learning about friendship?
Writing Claim Statements Make sure you know which theme will be used. Review the unit thread questions if you are unsure. Be sure to have three examples of how this theme is illustrated in the text. Use the following “formula” to write the claim statement.
Formula for a Claim Statement Theme Statement + Three Supporting Arguments
A claim statement is the last sentence in the introduction. DO NOT write any of the following sentences in your essay: - In this paper I will …. - This paper will show you that …. - The purpose of this essay is to …
Writing an Introduction-Possible Format Sentence 1: Attention grabber (fact, statistic, quote) Sentence 2: Mention the author, the book, and some general statement about the plot of the book. Sentence 3: Write a sentence that sums up the plot. Sentence 4: There are many themes that the author develops throughout the story. Sentence 5: Some of these include … (list theme topics other than yours). Sentence 6: Claim Statement (from slide 5)
How to write a body paragraph Body paragraphs are composed of the following elements: Topic Sentence Supporting detail sentences (at least 3) Quotations from the novel that prove the point. These should NOT be first or last in the paragraph. A concluding sentence A good body paragraph has 10-13 sentences.
Topic Sentence Transition ↓ Your topic sentence is where you transition to the new topic the paragraph will cover. Introduce one of the supporting arguments from your claim statement.
Supporting Detail Sentences and Quotations from the novel You want to mix these two elements together. Don’t put two quotations together. Review the handout you are provided on how to properly integrate quotes into your paragraphs.
Concluding Sentence Sum up the point you made in the paragraph. Do NOT transition to the next paragraph’s topic. Transitions ONLY go at the start of the new paragraph.
Writing a Conclusion – The Big Finale You will need the following elements in your conclusion paragraph: Your claim statement restated. A quotation from the novel that supports the theme discussed (This should be the most compelling in proving the thesis.) A re-stated statement from the first body paragraph. A re-stated statement from the second body paragraph. A re-stated statement from the third body paragraph. A clincher that leaves the teacher dazzled! Re-stated means different words to express the same idea.
Common Mistakes Stay in present tense – don’t change verb tenses. example- Bruno feels terrible for denying his friendship with Shmuel to Lt. Kotler. Do not use first (I, we) or second person pronouns (you, your). Do not use “generic” words like “things” – Be specific! Proofread your paper for spelling, fragments, run-ons, and comma splices – Spell Check and Grammar Check do not catch all mistakes.