Mrs. Regina Garrahan 1st Grade Willow Dale Elementary School 2013-2014 Back to School Night Mrs. Regina Garrahan 1st Grade Willow Dale Elementary School 2013-2014 Room 29
About Mrs. Garrahan I live locally with my husband and two beautiful children. Began teaching at Willow Dale in 2004 as a student teacher. In May 2004, I earned my Elementary Education with a minor in Reading from West Chester University. I have had the pleasure of teaching several grade levels including Autistic Support within the district. In Dec 2007, I received my Master’s degree from Arcadia University where I obtained my special education certificate. In addition to my master’s degree, I have also earned 40 post graduate credits.
Our School School Times: 8:45-3:30 School Colors: Blue & Yellow School Mascot: Puma Principal: Mr. Michael Donnelly Assistant Principal: Mr. Brian Swank School Wide Positive Behavior Plan Silver Spoon Award Updating Skyward (online) Student handbooks Conferences E-Alerts: sign up for messages from our school and our district at
Our Daily Schedule Literacy (Literacy by Design/FUNdations) Literacy (Guided Reading/Centers) Writing Workshop Lunch Intervention/Enrichment (W.I.N) Math Recess Healthy/Working Snack Math continued Specials (A/B Weeks – Days 1-6) Social Studies/Science
Special Schedule Mrs. Garrahan, Room 29 1:55-2:40 Day 1 –Digital Literacy, Ms. Kline – Room 39 Day 2- A2– Guidance, Mrs. Hibbs – Room 18 B2-Health- Mr. Podsobinski –Room 18 Day 3 –Gym, Ms. Jenkins - Gymnasium Day 4- Music, Mr. Bauerle – Room 15 Day 5 – Art, Ms. Cockenberg – Room 16 Day 6 –Library, Ms. Brown - Library *Time for this special is 2:40 - 3:30
Expectations Character Counts Six pillars Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring Citizenship
Curriculum Literacy: Literacy by Design Phonics: FUNdations 16 themes Whole group, small group, and independent instruction Weekly/bi-weekly and unit assessments Phonics: FUNdations Drill sounds Trick words/sight words Handwriting Check-ups and unit assessments Writing Workshop Lucy Calkins – Units of Study Time to write and share
Curriculum continued… Guided Reading/Centers Small groups of leveled reading with instructional centers Mathematics: Everyday Math Math concepts developed throughout the year as opposed to one chapter at a time Hands-on approach/games Science: FOSS Air/weather Seeds and Plants Social Studies Northeast Region of USA Canada, Alaska, Mexico Map Skills Character Education
Classroom Management Individual Class Goal – Marble Jar Parent Contact Bucket Filling Students fill buckets by being kind, helping others and following directions. Five “fillers” equal a reward from the reward menu. Traffic Light Red- student continues to exhibit unexpected behaviors. Yellow- warning that behavior needs to improve. Green -expected behaviors (all students begin on green) Colors will be recorded in their daily assignment sheet for parent(s)/guardian(s) to view. Class Goal – Marble Jar Whole class behavioral plan When jar is full, the students will vote on class reward. Parent Contact Written or verbal immediately following any serious incident.
Homework Posted Weekly on Webpage & emailed Red Folders Red – HOMEWORK – back and forth daily Math Page will go in homework folder when assigned Reading Read with your child as much as you possibly can Fill out Home Reading Log and return
Healthy P.M. Snack Promoting healthy habits (Please refrain from sending in candy, cookies or other sugary snacks.) Water Bottles with safety caps permitted and students can drink from them throughout the day.
Star of the Week Schedule in next Wednesday Express Envelope Starts week of September 23, 2013 What to do? Complete “All About Me” poster (sent home 1 week prior to your child’s week.) Bring in photos to go on board Bring special objects to put on display
Volunteer Opportunities Clearances needed: Classroom helpers (centers, writing, etc.) One time visits: Mystery Readers Guest Speakers
Communication E-mail Phone: 215-441-6093 ext. 11357 My website:
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