Attention and Learning We can only take in so much…
Overview of Lecture Basic Ideas Neural Basis of Attention Filter Models of Attention Capacity Model The Cognitive Spotlight
Attention Basics Attention is selective. Attention is subtractive. Experience may affect attention
Neural Basis of Attention: 3 Systems (Posner, 1995) Subcortical system = Parietal system = Frontal system =
Filter Models of Attention: Early Selection Models Broadbent’s Early Selection Model On/Off switch- based on physical characteristics Problems- Treisman’s Attenuation Model Like ‘volume’ knob Allows for more than one input at the same time
Late Selection Models Deutsch and Deutsch All sensory info activates meaning representations Attention refers to what input is responded to Recognition ≠ Awareness These two models (early and late selection) are at a theoretical and practical impasse.
Capacity Model Different tasks require differing amounts of capacity Attention = Allocation of resources Cognitive effort increases later memory
Automaticity Practice can increase likelihood of automaticity. Automatic tasks often result in reduced memory of the content of the task.
Multitasking Switching attention requires: Goal shifting Rule activation Interrupted vs. Uninterrupted models Rubenstein, Meyer, and Evans (2001) Strayer and Johnston (2001)
Spotlight Theory Cognitive attention is like a spotlight. Generator factors:
Spotlight Characteristics Likes emotionally competent stimuli. Wants to take breaks. Processes meaning before detail. Has difficulty multitasking.
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