200 years ago, around 1800, before the industrial revolution, atmospheric CO2 was approximately 280 PPM
A PENNY’S WORTH OF CO2 If the Earth’s atmosphere was a $100 bill $ 78.08 would represent NITROGEN $ 20.95 would represent OXYGEN $ 0.93 would represent ARGON 200 years ago, prior to the wide-spread use of fossil fuels, 3 cents would represent the CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) in the atmosphere (280 PPM) Over the last 200 years, 1 cent would represent the CO2 that has been added to the Earth’s atmosphere (currently measured at 380 PPM VS 280 PPM 200 years ago). It is this amount of CO2 upon which man-made global warming advocates depend to advance their theory.
Greenhouse Gases In The Atmosphere Water vapor comprises approx. 95% of the greenhouse gas envelope. Carbon dioxide is no more than 4% . Of that 4%, mankind contributes a little more than 3%. 3% of 4% = 0.12% man made CO2 in the atmosphere Jay Lehr….Heartland Institute
Inferred from Antarctic ice core samples 200 YEARS OF CO2 EMISSIONS 280 CO2 Temperature - Temperatures spiked warmer than present levels at 325m, 240m and 125m years ago as a natural occurrence Changes in CO2(red line) FOLLOW changes in temperatures. (ref Al Gore movie).
The greenhouse effect is essential to life on Earth The greenhouse effect is essential to life on Earth. The American Heritage® Science Dictionary Without greenhouse gases Earth would be frozen solid, its global average temperature approximately -18 degrees C, or zero degrees F. We are currently in a paradise for humanity with an average global temperature of 59 degrees. H. Leighton Steward, “Fire, Ice and Paradise”
Earth's current atmospheric CO2 concentration is almost 390 parts per million (ppm). Adding another 300 ppm of CO2 to the air has been shown by literally thousands of experiments to greatly increase the growth or biomass production of nearly all plants.
More CO2 in the air means more plant growth. CO2 is Green and Green is Good! More CO2 in the air means more plant growth.