Methods for Determining the Relative and Absolute Age of Rocks Geochronology Methods for Determining the Relative and Absolute Age of Rocks
Relative Age Dating - Superposition
Principles of Faunal Succession and Faunal Assemblage Index Fossils - Widespread distribution - Restricted, known time of existence - Common to many environments
Principle of Cross-cutting Relationships
Global Time Markers Volcanic Ash Eruptions
Global Time Markers Magnetic Reversals
Global Time Markers Meteor Impacts K-T Boundary mudstone-impact layer coal K-T impact site
Global Time Markers Climate Change
Gaps in the Geological Record Unconformities
Creating Unconformities
Regional Correlation of Units Piecing the Rock Record Together
Some Geologic Rates Cutting of Grand Canyon 2 km/3 m.y. = 1 cm/15 yr Uplift of Alps 5 km/10 m.y. = 1 cm/20 yr. Opening of Atlantic 5000 km/180 m.y. = 2.8 cm/yr. Uplift of White Mtns. (N.H.) Granites 8 km/150 m.y. = 1 cm/190 yr.
Some Geologic Rates Movement of San Andreas Fault 5 cm/yr = 7 m/140 yr. Growth of Mt. St. Helens 3 km/30,000 yr = 10 cm/yr. Deposition of Niagara Dolomite 100 m/ 1 m.y.? = 1 cm/100 yr.
1 Second = 1 Year 35 minutes to birth of Christ 1 hour+ to pyramids 3 hours to retreat of glaciers from Wisconsin 12 days = 1 million years 2 years to extinction of dinosaurs 14 years to age of Niagara Escarpment 31 years = 1 billion years
Were The Dinosaurs Failures? Dinosaurs: 150,000,000 years Recorded History: 5000 years For every year of recorded history, the dinosaurs had 30,000 years For every day of recorded history, the dinosaurs had 82 years For every minute of recorded history, the dinosaurs had three weeks