Combining Gantt charts and PNTs Project management (seminar)
Why translate a network to a Gantt chart? Gantt chart is more easy to understand by ‘unskilled’ people. It is especially useful when presenting to the top management. Progress can be easily displayed on it. To visualise floats and activity times. Effective explanatory and teaching instrument. Resource allocation can be performed on it.
Two ways of translating networks into a bar chart Calculating activity times and locating these on the bar chart. Drawing activities directly onto a time-scale, using the node numbers ensuring correct relationships (time-scaled network) Time-scaled network has two types AoA type AoN type
The AoA type time-scaled network Mark activities by nodes (events) Any dummy must be drawn in as a vertical line with its head and tail node-labels Activity bars will fall from top-left to bottom-right. Dependent activities are always lower in the chart.
The time-scaled network (AoA) 1 2 7 13 a 4 23 c 10 3 15 b d 8 4 1 3 2 10 15 20 25 30 5 a b c d burst merge free float
Dummy activities on a time-scaled AoA network 15 1 2 20 4 25 3 b c 5 4 1 3 2 10 15 20 25 30 5 dummy a b c
Time-scaled AoN networks (example 1) Re-draw the first AoA project as an AoN network: a 7 6 13 c 7 17 13 23 10 START FINISH 20 b 15 d 15 20 5 On AoN networks start and finish activities should be created if there are no single starting/ending activities.
Translate standard AoN to a time-scaled network 5 7 10 15 17 20 23 25 30 START FINISH a c b d
Time-scaled AoN network (example 2) Re-draw the second AoA: START FINISH 25 b 20 a 15 5 c Translate it to an AoN type time-scaled network.
Solution 5 10 15 20 25 30 START FINISH a b c
Time-scaled AoN network (individual exercise) 2 10 8 a 2 START e 10 13 3 FINISH 13 d 2 7 3 5 10 b 5 10
Solution 5 10 13 15 20 25 30 START FINISH a c d b e
Reading Lockyer – Gordon (2005): Chapter 16
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