Happy Birthday Mr. Fogle! Happy Birthday Mr. Carey! DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS Monday January 5 2015 Happy Birthday Mr. Fogle! Happy Birthday Mr. Carey!
High Attendance = High Achievement! WE OWN OUR DATA Updated 12-08-14 Student Population: 595 Students with Perfect Attendance: 98 Students with >97% Attendance: 322 Students with >92% Attendance: 481 Students with >90% Attendance: 521 High Attendance = High Achievement!
WE OWN OUR DATA Attendance by Cohort Updated 12-08-14 Attendance by Cohort Class of 2015 (126 students): 93.96% Class of 2016 (149 students): 95.19% Class of 2017 (141 students): 95.96% Class of 2018 (177 students): 95.23% Clinton High School: (595 students): 95.37% High Attendance = High Achievement! GREAT JOB SOPHOMORES!!!!
High Attendance = High Achievement! WE OWN OUR DATA Updated 12-08-14 Attendance by Cohort Class of 2015: 107/124 above 90% Class of 2016: 128/147 above 90% Class of 2017: 127/142 above 90% Class of 2018: 157/179 above 90% CHS: 523/595 above 90% High Attendance = High Achievement! GREAT JOB SOPHOMORES!!!!
Senior Class average is now 20.47 WE OWN OUR DATA ACT State Average: 21.8 National Average: 21.1 UPDATED: 12/1/14 59 of 131 SENIORS have taken the ACT The scoring range is 14-29 Senior Class average is now 20.47
WE OWN OUR DATA Class average is now 20.7 ACT State Average: 21.8 National Average: 21.1 UPDATED: 12/1/14 30 of 135 Juniors have taken the ACT The scoring range is 12-26 Class average is now 20.7
FR/JV/V Boys Basketball vs Pleasant Hill – 4:30 Events for Tuesday FR/JV/V Boys Basketball vs Pleasant Hill – 4:30 Wrestling @ Warrensburg – 5:00
FR/JV Boys Basketball vs St. Pius Events for Thursday FR/JV Boys Basketball vs St. Pius FR @ 4:30 JV @ 7:30 JV Girls Basketball vs St. Pius JV @ 6:00
Varsity Boys & Girls Basketball @ St. Pius Events for Friday Varsity Boys & Girls Basketball @ St. Pius Girls – 5:30 Boys – 7:00
Events for Saturday Wrestling @ Marshall
The Missouri Society of Professional Engineers (MSPE) Western Chapter will award two $1,500 scholarships to graduating high school seniors who have a genuine interest in engineering and are preparing to attend an approved school of engineering. Please read the instructions carefully by going to the MSPE Western Chapter website www.mspe-wc.org and clicking on Scholarship Info on the left hand side. You can download the application from the website. Deadline: February 2, 2015
Sports is a more than wins and losses and while we are committed to helping athletes find opportunities to play sports at the college level, we believe the most important thing is getting a college education. As an organization we are proud to award a $1,000 scholarship to a college student who best represents a true leader in sports and life. We encourage all current or future college students who competed in a sport at the high school level to apply for the College Sports Recruiting Scholarship. The winner will be selected by the CSS Recruiting Scholarship Committee. The details for the contest and eligibility rules are available on our webpage for the contest. College Sports Recruiting Scholarship
Credit Recovery Mondays and Thursdays 3:10-5:10 Computer Lab 105 Talk to your counselor or Mrs. Guenther if you have any questions
Lunch Accounts Reminder that there is only a $5.00 charge limit on lunch accounts. Any student over the $5.00 limit will be subject to disciplinary measures (including ISS). Absolutely no charging extras or ala’carte.
Feed Your Stomachs and Your Brains! BREAKFAST at CHS DID YOU KNOW? If you qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch, you also get Free/Reduced Breakfast! If you do not qualify, the reasonable breakfast price is only $1.20! Feed Your Stomachs and Your Brains!
EQUITY BANK REMINDER: If you have not received your Equity Bank Card, please stop by the bank and pick one up. The card will get you in free to all home sporting events (except MSHSAA sponsored events).
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Start using #CHSCards in your tweets about the great things at CHS. CHS on Social Media @CHSCards Facebook/CHSCards Start using #CHSCards in your tweets about the great things at CHS.
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP NOMINEES Congratulations to Emma Meloy, Jake Jeffrey, and Camille Wetzel for being selected as the 2014 NHS Scholarship nominees.
Trenton Hughes Parents: Bobbie and Brad Phillips Siblings: Hunter-15, Landon-9, Gwen-5 Involved in: Football, Track, Student Council, Freshmen Mentor Program Future Plans: Join the military and then attend UCM to major in Flight management