2ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Δραπετσώνας TRADITIONAL GAMES 2ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Δραπετσώνας
"Tug of war competition" or " Skaperda " " Pulling on rope " It’s an ancient Greek sport. It had also been an Olympic Game in the Modern Olympic Games, but over the years it faded.
"Tug of war competition" or " Skaperda " " Pulling on rope "
"Tug of war competition" or " Skaperda " " Pulling on rope "
"Tug of war competition" or " Skaperda " " Pulling on rope "
" Hide and Seek " Hide and seek game using cans or "Ntenekoulocryfto" It was played using a tin made of zinc. Kids put in small stones , pebbles, so that a lot of noise could be made.
"The Handkerchief" or "To Mantili " There are two teams, each one having the same number of kids. A circle is formed and the handkerchief is placed in the centre of the circle. The winner is the team that manages to reach the score which has been arranged beforehand.
Taking positions
The game is on
Keeping the score
"Hopscotch" or "Koutso" It’s a game played by girls. They try to move a small piece of marble only by using their feet.
Making the frame in the school yard
" Kamparades " This game is mainly played in the Dodecanese Islands. The winner is the team that first reaches the score which has previously been agreed.
The circle in pieces noted by difficulty scores
Taking position
Getting ready
Getting ready
Final score