Panel on Community B3: Care and Maintenance of a Global Knowledge Community Room: Saint Lawrence San Cannon, Federal Reserve Board Mary McGrath, Bank of Canada Wendy Thomas, Minnesota Population Center Karsten Boye Rasmussen, University of Southern Denmark Ernie Boyko, Statistics Canada IASISST 2007 Montreal 1 kbr
I, me, mine Karsten Boye Rasmussen associate professor, Department of Marketing and Management University of Southern Denmark Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark +45 6550 2115 fax: +45 6593 1766 organization and information technology business intelligence strategic organization design 'it, communication and organization' Editor of the Iassist Quarterly IASISST 2007 Montreal 2 kbr
Looking back for looking forward "Preliminary findings from the IASSIST web questionnaire 2001" Professional associations in transition to virtual communities for collaboration: the case of IASSIST Looking back for looking forward Karsten Boye Rasmussen Repke de Vries IASISST 2007 Montreal 3 kbr
Reponse dates for the web questionnaire IASISST 2007 Montreal 4 kbr
The global crowd IASISST 2007 Montreal 5 kbr
Membership IASISST 2007 Montreal 6 kbr
The year of your first IASSIST conf ? among members IASISST 2007 Montreal 7 kbr
Open access to IASSIST web resources among IASSIST members - in percent IASISST 2007 Montreal 8 kbr
Members on the Web? 77 26 IASISST 2007 Montreal 9 kbr
IASISST 2007 Montreal 10 kbr
? Since then Discussions on list-server The IASSIST web-pages heavily improved The IASSIST blog IASSIST as a virtual community? ? IASISST 2007 Montreal 11 kbr