Binomial naming system Characteristics of living things Unit 1 Review Binomial naming system Characteristics of living things Flowering Plants Vertebrate Invertebrate $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 FINAL ROUND
Characteristics of Living Things: $100 Question List the 7 Characteristics of Living Things ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Characteristics of Living Things: $100 Answer List the 7 Characteristics of Living Things Movement Respiration Sensitivity Growth Reproduction Excretion Nutrition BACK TO GAME
Characteristics of Living Things: $200 Question Worms come to the soil surface after heavy rain. Which characteristic of living organisms does this show? a. growth b. nutrition c. reproduction d. sensitivity ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Characteristics of Living Things: $200 Answer Worms come to the soil surface after heavy rain. Which characteristic of living organisms does this show? a. growth b. nutrition c. reproduction d. sensitivity BACK TO GAME
Characteristics of Living Things: $300 Question Define respiration ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Characteristics of Living Things: $300 Answer Define respiration The release of energy from sugars BACK TO GAME
Characteristics of Living Things: $400 Question Describe what breathing is ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Characteristics of Living Things: $400 Answer Describe what breathing is Moving air/gases in/out of the lungs/body BACK TO GAME
Characteristics of Living Things: $500 Question In a sample of mud, scientists noticed carbon dioxide was coming from it. What two characteristics of living organisms could be linked to this observation? ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Characteristics of Living Things: $500 Answer In a sample of mud, scientists noticed carbon dioxide was coming from it. What two characteristics of living organisms could be linked to this observation? Excretion & Respiration BACK TO GAME
Binomial Naming System: $100 Question In the following scientific name, state which is the genus and which the species name: Panthera onca ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Binomial Naming System: $100 Answer In the following scientific name, state which is the genus and which the species name: Panthera onca (Genus) (species) BACK TO GAME
Binomial Naming System: $200 Question Correct the following scientific name: canis latrans ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Binomial Naming System: $200 Answer Correct the following scientific name: Canis latrans or BACK TO GAME
Binomial Naming System: $300 Question State the common or English names of two members of the same genus. Lynx rufus Acinonyx jubatus Panthera onca Panthera leo Lynx lynx Panthera pardus ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Binomial Naming System: $300 Answer State the common or English names of two members of the same genus. Lynx rufus Acinonyx jubatus Panthera onca Panthera leo Lynx lynx Panthera pardus BACK TO GAME
Binomial Naming System: $400 Question Name the genus that has only one species Lynx rufus Acinonyx jubatus Panthera onca Panthera leo Lynx lynx Panthera pardus ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Binomial Naming System: $400 Answer Name the genus that has only one species Lynx rufus Acinonyx jubatus Panthera onca Panthera leo Lynx lynx Panthera pardus BACK TO GAME
Binomial Naming System: $500 Question Correct the following scientific name: E. Coli ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Binomial Naming System: $500 Answer Correct the following scientific name: E. coli BACK TO GAME
Vertebrate: $100 Question Describe two external features that occur in birds but do not occur in other vertebrates ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Vertebrate: $100 Answer Describe two external features that occur in birds but do not occur in other vertebrates Feathers Beak / bill Hard shelled eggs BACK TO GAME
Vertebrate: $200 Question Describe two external features that occur in mammals but do not occur in other vertebrates ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Mammary glands / nipples Vertebrate: $200 Answer Describe two external features that occur in mammals but do not occur in other vertebrates Ear flap Hair / fur Whiskers Mammary glands / nipples BACK TO GAME
Vertebrate: $300 Question Describe two external features that occur in insects but do not occur in vertebrates ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Vertebrate: $300 Answer Describe two external features that occur in insects but do not occur in vertebrates Three pairs of legs Three regions to body Wings 6 legs BACK TO GAME
Vertebrate: $400 Question Describe a fish ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Poikliothermic (cold blooded) Vertebrate: $400 Answer Describe a fish Poikliothermic (cold blooded) Streamlined body Overlapping scales Fins BACK TO GAME
Vertebrate: $500 Question Explain the difference between reptiles and amphibians ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Explain the difference between reptiles and amphibians Vertebrate: $500 Answer Explain the difference between reptiles and amphibians Reptiles: scales, live on land Amphibians: moist skin, live part of life on land other in water BACK TO GAME
Invertebrate: $100 Question List the 4 classes of arthropods ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Invertebrate: $100 Answer List the 4 classes of arthropods Arachnids Myriapods Crustaceans Insects BACK TO GAME
Invertebrate: $200 Question If an organism’s body is not divided into segments and does not have a shell, what type of organism would it be? ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Invertebrate: $200 Answer If an organism’s body is not divided into segments and does not have a shell, what type of organism would it be? Nematode BACK TO GAME
Invertebrate: $300 Question What is characteristic of all arthropods? ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Invertebrate: $300 Answer What is characteristic of all arthropods? Exoskeletons Jointed legs Segmented body BACK TO GAME
Invertebrate: $400 Question List two examples of molluscs that have shells that two that do not have shells ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Invertebrate: $400 Answer List two examples of molluscs that have shells that two that do not have shells Shells: Clams Snails No Shells: Squid Octopus BACK TO GAME
Invertebrate: $500 Question State three features that annelid species have that nematode species do not have ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Invertebrate: $500 Answer State three features that annelid species have that nematode species do not have Segments bristles / cheatae / hairs Head / tail BACK TO GAME
Flowering Plants: $100 Question A monocot has how many cotyledon? ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Flowering Plants: $100 Answer A monocot has how many cotyledon? One BACK TO GAME
Flowering Plants: $200 Question What is a cotyledon? ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Flowering Plants: $200 Answer What is a cotyledon? Seed leaf (food for the seed) BACK TO GAME
Flowering Plants: $300 Question In the diagram, the vascular bundles are arranged in a ring. Is this characteristic of monocots or dicots? Vascular ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Flowering Plants: $300 Answer In the diagram, the vascular bundles are arranged in a ring. Is this characteristic of monocots or dicots? Vascular BACK TO GAME
Flowering Plants: $400 Question This type of leaf venation is characteristic of a monocot or a dicot? ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Flowering Plants: $400 Answer This type of leaf venation is characteristic of a monocot or a dicot? BACK TO GAME
Flowering Plants: $500 Question Is the following flower a monocot or a dicot. Explain why. ANSWER BACK TO GAME
Flowering Plants: $500 Answer Is the following flower a monocot or a dicot. Explain why. Petals in 5’s Net-like venation 2 cotyledon BACK TO GAME