SEMINAR 1. Title : Quantum photonics with solid-state quantum emitters 2. Speaker : Je-Hyung Kim (UNIST) 3. Time : 16:00 – 17:00, Thursday, October 18, 2018 4. Place : e+ Lecture Hall (room 83188), 2nd Research Building, Sungkyunkwan University 5. Summary : Future quantum information processing would rely on solid-state quantum systems that integrate multiple quantum light sources, waveguides, beamsplitters, and detectors on the same chip, and therefore all quantum operations are efficiently possible on-a-chip. Solid-state quantum emitters such as quantum dots and defects have attracted much attention as a bright source of quantum light with high single photon purity and indistinguishability. However, these man-made quantum structures also have many problems such as a low photon collection efficiency, randomness in their frequency and position, and strong interaction with environment, limiting them to be used for practical applications. In this seminar, I present recent research on the integrated quantum photonics based on solid-state quantum emitters. 6 Background : Education MS. - Ph.D. : (Mar. 2008 ~ Feb. 2014) Master and Ph. D. integrated course in Physics, KAIST, Republic of Korea (Advisor: Prof. Yong-Hoon Cho) Undergraduate: (Mar. 2001 ~ Aug. 2007) B.S. Physics in Physics, Korea University, Republic of Korea Work Aug. 2017 ~ Present Assistant professor at UNIST, Department of Physics and School of Natural Science Sep. 2014 ~ July. 2017 Postdoctoral researcher at University of Maryland, Department of Electrical and Computer engineering (Advisor: Prof. Edo Waks) Feb. 2014 ~ Aug. 2014 Postdoctoral researcher at KAIST, Department of Physics (Advisor: Prof. Yong-Hoon Cho) 7. Questions : (☏ 031-299-4115)