Debbie Goodall Margaret Boyd Cheryl Carpenter-Davis
Overview MoWINs grants at Missouri Community Colleges Why are we doing this? Credit for Prior Learning Identifying opportunities for MCC Focusing on student success
What is MoWINs? MoWINsUSDOL State Consortium grants totaling $5 million to: Accelerate progress for Low-Skilled and Other Workers Build academic skills in technical context Improve retention and achievement rates Reduce time to completion Award credit for prior learning Structure stackable credential frameworks that align/link non- credit and credit courses Build Programs that meet industry needs Work closely with industry and Workforce Sector Partners to develop/restructure curriculum Strengthen on-line and technology-enabled learning
What is MoWINs? Commitment goal: Serve 1,500 adult students Program areas: Information Technologies including Digital Literacy and Health Informatics Nursing Environmental Services/HVAC Industrial Technology Manufacturing Welding
Why are we doing this? There are over 10 million unemployed adults. Many of them need skill upgrades or new credentials. Workers with postsecondary credentials earn more and are more likely to keep their jobs. Adults bring knowledge gained through training and education that has occurred outside of a college setting. Adults often do not complete postsecondary training – particularly if theyre required to complete remedial or developmental education before earning a credential. Assessing prior learning helps adults and dislocated workers obtain credit for independently attained knowledge and skills, thereby accelerating the process of credential attainment.
Did you know… It takes full-time students, on average, 3.3 years to earn a one-year certificate 3.8 years to earn a two-year degree 4.7 years to earn a four-year degree It takes part-time students, on average, 4.4 years to earn a one-year certificate 5 years to earn a two-year degree 5.6 years to earn a four-year degree (Source: Complete College America)
Time is the Enemy Staying in school longer doesnt significantly increase a students chance of graduating: Data shows that taking an extra year to complete an associate degree or two extra years to earn a bachelors degree only increases graduation rates by 4.9 percent -- for both groups. Students are opting out, giving up, abandoning their educational goals. (Source: Complete College America)
Credit for Prior Learning (c4pl) Definition: Awarding college credit for demonstrated or validated acquisition of knowledge, skills and competencies attained outside the college-credit environment. Types: College non-credit and on-the-job training; military and apprenticeship training; reverse transfer coursework; industry or professional certifications; or in- service training sponsored by associations, business, government and industry.
A case for Credit for Prior Learning A recent study of 62,000 students at 48 postsecondary institutions found that 56% of adult students who had earned credit for non-credit training or prior experience earned a postsecondary degree within seven years, while only 21% of those who completed credits in the traditional manner did. (Source: Fueling the Race to Postsecondary Success, Chicago Council for Experiential Learning, 2010)
Advantages of c4pl Students benefit: accelerates their time to complete a degree and advance on the industry career ladder. Colleges benefit: broadens the pool of students and encourages the development of state and national articulation agreements with greater connection to industry. Workforce Development benefits: shortens the time to convert a student/trainee into an employee. Industry benefits: creates a stronger connection to both educational institution and workforce development system.
Some c4pl options to consider…. Individual student portfolios: Evaluated by faculty with deep subject matter expertise Challenge exams or standardized exams Full program evaluation for industry/professional training programs External source competency-based evaluations (CAEL/ACE) Retroactive award of credit for credit and non-credit training programs statewide
Examples of current practices: Standardized exams Advanced Placement (AP) College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Credit by examination (CSIS 115 and BTC technical program courses) Credit by Certification Reverse Transfer Individual student portfolios (Art, Spanish) Alignment of credit courses and non-credit training Welding, military
Environmental Services Pathway
Process at MCC Credit or its equivalent should be awarded only for learning, and not for experience Credit awards and competence levels must be made by appropriate subject matter and academic or credentialing experts Fees charged for assessment are based on the type of credit awarded
SWOT Analysis Strengths/Opportunities Weaknesses/Threats
Feedback What are areas where credit for prior learning has worked well at MCC? What are the opportunities for MCC? Other areas we should consider? Additional concerns and thoughts?
In Summary: Focusing on Student Success MCC Mission: Preparing students, serving communities, creating opportunities MCCs Core Principles: Completion and Student Learning SEM Project Alignment: Intrusive Advising and Student Support The Right Focus: A students right to succeed rather than fail.