Opening to:
Scene 1 Duration: 50 seconds Sound; Non-diegetic, short sound track Type of Shot/Camera Movement: Film Institutions shown; Universal Studio Canal Working Title
Scene 2 Duration: 14secs Sound: Sound of the pub (music, fruit machine, ‘Last orders’ ) Type of Shot/Camera Movement: Close-up shot of the main character; his expression shows that he is non-intelligent and scruffy. The background is clearly shown as a pub; telling audience that’s where he most likely spends his pleasure time. Camera slowly zooms out into next scene.
Scene 3 Duration: 2mins 20secs Sound: Diegetic sound of conversation- tells the basic narrative of the film (relationship issues and choice of friends etc) Type of Shot/Camera Movement: The camera is using the technique of shot reverse shot to show the conversation of the 2 characters. In this scene the camera with sometimes cut to a medium shot of another character then return to the shot reverse shot.
Scene 4 Duration: 40secs Sound: Soundtrack for the film as credits and title appear. Type of Shot/Camera Movement: There are a collection of short scenes in the opening here, 5 second shots of people working, shopping, waiting for the bus. Each clip cutting to the next. The shots give an idea of the type of location the film is set in Then the camera shots the drawn shot, showing average/ chavy/ young people doing slow zombie movements towards the camera, with the film’s title spelt out on the floor (edited)
Scene 5 Duration: 15secs Sound: Still soundtrack-non-diegetic Footsteps- diegetic Yawn/zombie moan (Non-diegetic then diegetic) Type of Shot/Camera Movement: Camera focuses on moving legs, showing an unidentified person walking (slow zombie-like) towards camera. Camera pans up and shows it’s the main character, yawning. Camera shots are medium, showing bits of the background.
Scene 6 Duration: 20 Sound: Soundtrack quieting down. Non-diegetic sound of character B playing on a console Type of Shot/Camera Movement: Wide-shot showing the main character’s lounge, clearly a messy environment (links with the scruffy look). Main character enters, sits down to play console but character B reminders him of work then character A exits scene. Character B does little moving to show his laziness.