GCSE PE: Theory Unit 5 Lesson 1 Diet 1 of 28
Tricky Starter: What might the diet of a rugby forward look like? Trickier Starter: Compare and contrast the diet of a rugby forward to a gymnast.
Learning Objectives: I understand the link between exercise, diet, work and rest. Learning Outcome: A/A* I can justify why the 3 macronutrients are needed for a balanced diet. I can give sporting examples and consider what they may eat before and after exercise. I can explain why they do this. Learning Outcome B I can explain the requirements of a balanced diet in relation to Macro nutrients I can identify which food falls into which category. Learning Outcome: C I can list the 3 Macronutrient categories of a balanced diet I can state their functions. 5 mins gone
Who completed the food diary over the week end? Mr Shaw, Miss Donnelly or Mr. Twohig? Hot task: How can you tell who’s diary is who’s? Explain.
GCSE PE COURSE: THEORY: 40% Written examination at end of course (1.5hrs with 80 marks – last 2 questions require ‘Quality Written Communication’) SECTION A Participation to Maximise Health & Performance (healthy, active lifestyles) 1. Reasons & benefits of participation 2. Influences & opportunities for participation 3. Components of exercise & fitness (HRE & SRF) 4. Principles & methods of training 5. Diet SECTION B The Body Systems (your healthy, active body) 6. Body types, safety and drugs 7. Respiratory system 8. Muscular system 9. Cardiovascular system 10. Skeletal system 11.Analysis of Performance PRACTICAL: 60% 4 activities chosen + AoP to be assessed throughout course & again during Moderation Player/ performer + Official + Leader & Analysis of Performance Best 4 Practical activities in 2 different areas of National Curriculum with at least 2 as performer (other 2 can be performer or official or leader – see practical assessment sheet for more details) Marked out of 10 in each (worth 12.5% of final mark each) Analysis of Performance in 1 chosen activity made of 5 sections (inc. PEP) – on Dartfish/ PowerPoint. Marked out of 20 (worth 10% of final mark) Transparent Learning: Big picture where this fits in whole PE course 5 of 28 Edexcel GCSE PE 2009
CAN YOU EXPLAIN THE LINK BETWEEN THE 3 TERMS? Diet, Work & Rest Which of these is the most important to the maintenance of a healthy, active lifestyle?
Prepares the body so its able to complete tasks without exhaustion Allows body systems to recover and adapt as a result of training Prepares the body so its able to complete tasks without exhaustion Good diet allows the correct amount of calorie intake, providing energy to complete tasks…FUEL
So what exactly is the purpose of food & eating? Diet, Work & Rest So what exactly is the purpose of food & eating? 2 minute discussion Energy provision Development / growth of body Repairs injured tissue Good general health
Importance of a Balanced Diet? Key term Diet: “the normal foods we eat” 12 mins gone
Macro, Micro, H20 & Fibre Include carbohydrates, fats & proteins. Present in large quantities & make up the bulk of a persons dietary intake. Fibre keeps the digestive system active & helps to lower cholesterol. Include vitamins & minerals. Found in very small amounts. They do not provide energy but are essential to enable the cells of the body to function correctly Water is found in all foods in bulk. It is essential to the body, keeping temperatures under control & the body hydrated.
Macro Nutrients Carbohydrates Proteins Fats
Carbohydrates Function: Type 1: Simple Carbohydrates. E.g. Sugar To provide energy, quickly. Warning: If the energy provided is not used it will turn to fat Found in: Jam Cake Sweets 12
Carbohydrates Function: Complex Carbohydrates. E.g. Starch Type 2: To provide energy, that is stored. Energy is stored in the muscles and body as glycogen Found in: Bread Pasta Potatoes 13
Proteins To provide energy and to help the body grow and repair itself. Function: Found in: Meat, fish, eggs and milk 14
Fats Function: To provide energy Found in: Butter Cheese Fried food Crisps 15
Unit 5- Diet Everyone standing up, sit down if you had any of these last night. Chips Sweets Fried Chicken Pizza Burgers Fizzy drinks 7 mins gone What category do these come under?
Progress check A/A* B C D
Which category?
A*/A Task Write a small paragraph for the school newspaper to educate students on the macro nutrients within our diet. Include Functions Types of foods Simple / Complex carbohydrates Good / bad fats B/C Task Draw a mind map to remind yourself of the key points associated with the macro nutrients Remember to Make a point Explain terminology/give definition Link to Sports In Conclusion
Learning Objectives: I understand the link between exercise, diet, work and rest. Learning Outcome: A/A* I can justify why the 3 macronutrients are needed for a balanced diet. I can give sporting examples and consider what they may eat before and after exercise. I can explain why they do this. Learning Outcome B I can explain the requirements of a balanced diet in relation to Macro nutrients I can identify which food falls into which category. Learning Outcome: C I can list the 3 Macronutrient categories of a balanced diet I can state their functions. 5 mins gone