Coincidence Problem in Interacting Dark energy model Yungui Gong (龚云贵) Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications 重庆邮电大学数理学院 December 9, 2008, IHEP Cosmology Workshop
Outlines Coincidence problem Phase-space Analysis Attractors in scalar field with exponential potential Interacting Models Interacting Phantom Models Summary
Coincidence Problem Why now It does not depend on the initial conditions Attractor Solutions: the system settles into the state no matter what the initial conditions are
Autonomous System Autonomous system Fixed points: Stability against small perturbations?
Stability Perturbation around the fixed points To the first order of perturbation
Stability Conditions Eigenvalues of the matrix M Stability Conditions
Scalar field with exponential potential
Autonomous System Define
Fixed points and attractors PRD 57 (1998)4686
Interacting Models arXiv: 0811.1698, 0812.1117
Fixed points Fixed points Stability conditions for fixed point 4
Stability arXiv: 0811.1698 PRD 78 (2008) 023505
Phase diagram for fixed point 4
Phase diagram 1
Interacting model 2 Model 2:
Stability Condition For fixed point 4
Stability condition
Properties of fixed points
Interacting Model 3 Model 3:
Stability Condition Point 4: Point 5:
Stability Conditions cont
Phase diagram
Interacting Phantom Models
Model 1 Model 1
Stability Condition
Phase diagram
Interacting model 2 Model 2:
Interacting model 3 Model 3:
Interacting model 4 Model 4:
Summary Interacting Quintessence models may alleviate the coincidence problem Interacting Phantom models are not good to solve the coincidence problem
Thank You!