Neighbourhood Planning in the North Wessex Downs AONB
INTRODUCTION An Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) is a landscape which is of an outstanding and distinctive character, creating a natural beauty that is so precious it is in the nations interest to safeguard it. Purpose of designation 1 - To conserve and enhance natural beauty 2 - To provide for quiet informal recreation 3 - To foster socio economic well being for communities with AONBs
NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING Neighbourhood planning gives communities the power to: make a neighbourhood development plan make a neighbourhood development order make a Community Right to Build order Neighbourhood planning was introduced through the Localism Act 2011 but came into effect in April 2012, in terms of legislation. The Development Plan has greater weight as it is adopted alongside the LPAs Core Strategies/Local Plans and forms part of the local development framework. The Plan should set general planning policies and guidance for development and use of land in a neighbourhood, BUT the plan must be in compliance with the Local Authorities Development Plan which is produced in compliance with the aims and objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
AONB ISSUES Development Climate Change Infrastructure Tourism PD Changes Access Awareness
NORTH WESSEX DOWNS AONB MANAGEMENT PLAN 2014 – 2019 The Management Plan breaks down all the issues within 8 key areas which are of importance in assessing impacts and identifying opportunities for improvement in shaping the landscape. Landscape Land Management Biodiversity Historic Environment Natural Resources Development Communities Leisure & Tourism
Aligning Neighbourhood Planning with North Wessex AONB objectives should take into account the statutory Management Plan for the AONB (currently 2014-19); Wilts Core Strategy in particular consider the location and character of new developments; consider scale of the Plan (potential to collaborate with adjacent parishes if this meets local needs and wishes). The neighbourhood plan process is an important opportunity for residents to influence development in a way that meets the AONB Management Plan objectives and there by conserves and enhances the North Wessex Downs AONB. NPs should acknowledge the special qualities of the area – e.g. – Dark skies Development in an AONB context will need to be appropriate and critical factors in an NP will include: Biodiversity Heritage conservation Setting / tranquillity / light pollution Design / signage / construction materials Community Infrastructure Levy / s106 contributions
Your Plan: What's Needed Vision Description Current issues Policies and objectives – Should align with the AONB management plan and Wiltshire Core Strategy Opportunities Environmental Initiatives Landscape Character Assessment – Building block of NP Design Statements North Wessex Downs AONB vision is … vast, dramatic, undeveloped and distinct chalk downland; chalk grassland and wooded plateaus, arable land and secluded valleys; rich in biodiversity and cultural heritage; distinct places for people to live, work and relax, contributing to a vibrant rural economy. Description - Should include anything that is of importance to the community such as public open space, rights of way, affordable housing, anti social behaviour, tourism, transport Identify physical features that are considered to be important such as landscape, settlement layout, historic buildings, specific views and landmarks. But you should explain why they are important to the community and whether there are any key issues or management requirement needed to conserve or enhance those features. Current Issues?? Policies Must be justified What are the plans objectives? To manage development in accordance with the principles set out in the Core Strategy and the wishes of the community; To improve existing infrastructure both to support new development and to enhance that serving the existing village. To do so in a manner that respects the character and setting of the village; To maintain and enhance all of the current green areas and sporting facilities; To protect and enhance the character of the conservation area, and to ensure that any and all development complements the character and heritage of the AONB, local landscape, village and surrounding area and does not have a detrimental effect on Listed Buildings To protect the special setting of the village within the wider AONB and to conserve and enhance the landscape within the parish boundary; Objectives should help form the framework for policies within the plan – policies need to be justified. Opportunities Environmental Initiatives New features (woodland/ hedgerow), ecological corridors, access improvments Landscape Character Assessment Is an expression of local distinctiveness, identifies what is important Guides nature of development and identifies opportunities for enhancements Design Statements/Briefs Created for preferred development sites to include guidance on how development should take place, characteristics of site/setting Environmental initiatives and criteria such as height, layout and materials.
Landscape Enhancement Opportunities Environmental Initiatives
WHERE NEXT? Seek advice from your Local Authority, the AONB Team and other parishes/communities that have gone or going through the neighbourhood plan process Pewsey Burbage Tilehurst Blewbury Utilise the guidance available on the publications section of the NWD AONB website Use the AONB Management Plan as a starting point alongside the Landscape Character Assessment