Humanitarian Architecture in Bangladesh
focus away from Enablers Coordination Information Management
Institutional Structure- DM Law 2012 National Disaster Management Council Provides guidance for policy formulation and planning and relating other issues National Disaster Management Research and Training Institute National Disaster Response Coordination Group Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief (MoDMR) Department of Disaster Management (DDM) National Disaster Volunteer Organization District Disaster Management Committee (DDMC) City Corporation Disaster Management Committee Municipal Disaster Management Committee Upazila Disaster Management Committee Union Disaster Management Committee But in the left panel here, you can see what happens when you try to put each of these elements – each is which is complicated in its own right – into one document. Therefore we are rolling out a new series of products, underpinned by a revamped process in the field… National Disaster Response Coordination Group- Activated during large scale disaster Evaluate situation, mobilize resources and coordinate response and early recovery activities; Department of Disaster Management and Relief - Undertake disaster risk reduction activities, run humanitarian assistance program, implement national disaster management plan and coordination DM activities; National Disaster Volunteer Organization- Participate in community based program for rapid and effective emergency response; National Disaster Management Research and Training Institute - Research and capacity building on risk reduction and climate change adaptation;
Different committees at national and local level Disaster Management Committees at National Level Inter Ministerial Disaster Management Coordination Committee (IMDMCC) National Disaster Management Advisory Council Cyclone Preparedness Programme’s Policy Committee Cyclone Preparedness Programme Implementation Board Earthquake Preparedness and Awareness Raising Committee National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction Committee for Speedy Dissemination and Determination of Strategy for disaster warning Disaster Management Committees and groups at Local level Zila or Upazia Health Management Committee at Disaster Other response groups City Corporation Disaster Response Coordination Group District Disaster Response Coordination Group Upazila Disaster Response Coordination Group Pourashava Disaster Response Coordination Group But in the left panel here, you can see what happens when you try to put each of these elements – each is which is complicated in its own right – into one document. Therefore we are rolling out a new series of products, underpinned by a revamped process in the field…
Humanitarian Coordination in Bangladesh 9 cluster’s and WG’s HCTT LCG-DER Three Interlink process supporting humanitarian activities in Bangladesh But in the left panel here, you can see what happens when you try to put each of these elements – each is which is complicated in its own right – into one document. Therefore we are rolling out a new series of products, underpinned by a revamped process in the field… LCG-DER = Local Consultative Group- Disaster Emergency Response HCTT = Humanitarian Coordination Task Team cluster and WG = Humanitarian cluster and Working Group
The Clusters The Cluster Approach is designed to provide: Predictability, Accountability and Partnership in all response sectors Better support for national-led response tools Common standards and tools
Humanitarian Architecture in Bangladesh Humanitarian Coordination Task Team Co-chair’s MoDMR and UNRCO 9 Clusters Lead Humanitarian Partners International NGOs National Network NGO Food Security Cluster WASH Cluster Education Early Recovery Cluster Health Logistics Shelter Cluster Stand alone clusters WHO UNDP UNICEF/SCF FAO/WFP Nutrition UNICEF UNDP/IFRC* WFP Child Protection Cluster MoWCA/UNICEF UNICEF LCG-DER’s capacity to prepare for a coordinated response and to have an active role in coordination of disasters is strengthened through the establishment of the Humanitarian Coordination Task Team (HCTT) and the respective clusters. Additional support committed to RC’s Office (OCHA Advisor) Key Clusters identified and indication of leadership commitments received from Cluster Leads (Food Security, WASH, Education, Shelter, Logistics, and Early Recovery, Protection (??)) HCTT TOR has been drafted and first meeting [should have] taken place. The DER is embedded in the Local Consultative Group (LCG) Key links between the LCG-DER and key GOB Bodies (NDMC, IMDMCC,NDRC, LGIs), UN, I/NGOs, and DPs need to be mapped out in more detail Information Management Working Group Needs Assessment Working Group Communication with Community Working Group Cash Learning Working Group UNDP CARE BBC Media Action OXFAM *IFRC – as convener during emergency phase January 2013 7
Bangladesh Assessment Framework GoB cash and food distribution GoB sitrep GoB Early Recovery Plan Bangladesh Assessment Framework D-Form SOS Forms Disaster Preparedness JNA Phase 1 JNA Phase 2 Cluster Phase 3 PDNA Initial coordinated response plan Recovery and Reconstruction Plans Tool Design Tool Improvement GoB and DP capacity building Coordinated early recovery plan Shared situation analysis Initiate appeals Lesson learning for continual improvement
Evaluation of Humanitarian Program Relevance – the extent to which the project activitiess are suited to the needs and priorities of the target groups Effectiveness – the extent to which project activities attain its objectives Efficiency – the extent to which the project is cost efficient and efficient Impact – the extent to which the project made the difference in the lives of beneficiaries Sustainability – the extent to which the benefit of the project continue after donor funding ceased