THINK, PAIR, SHARE Think of a time that you were sick from school or maybe your parents were sick from work. What were some of the consequences of being sick?
What social and economic effects did the Black Death have on Europe?
WHAT WAS HAPPENING? A great plague known as the Black Death, the most devastating natural disaster in European history was killing off 1/3 of the European population from 1347 to 1351
WHERE WAS IT HAPPENING? Italian merchants brought the plague with them from Kaffa, on the Black Sea, to the island of Sicily in October 1347. The plague had spread to southern Italy and southern France by the end of 1347. In 1348 and 1349, the plague spread through France, the Low Countries (modern Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands), and Germany. It ravaged England in 1349 and expanded to northern Europe and Scandinavia.
WHY WAS THIS HAPPNNING? Bubonic plague was the most common form of the Black Death. It was spread by black rats infested with fleas carrying a deadly bacterium. Usually, the path of the Black Death followed trade routes. People did not know what caused the plague. Many believed that God sent it as punishment for their sins or that the devil caused it. Extreme reactions led to anti-Semitism, or hostility toward Jews, who were sometimes falsely accused of causing the plague by poisoning town wells.
WHAT WERE THE ECONOMIC EFFECTS? The death of so many people had economic consequences. Trade declined, and a shortage of workers caused a dramatic rise (increase) in the price of labor.
END OF THE MIDDLE AGES Some peasants bargained with their lords to pay rent instead of owing services (Feudalism). This change freed them from serfdom, an institution that had been declining throughout the High Middle Ages, ultimately contributing to the end of medieval Europe.
What social and economic effects did the Black Death have on Europe?
From Ships carrying rats that carry the Plague How does the Black Death spread across Europe? From Ships carrying rats that carry the Plague
How did people think the Black Death occurred? Many people thought that this was God’s punishment or that Jews were poisoning wells.
With so many dead, labor was hard to find. Wages went up for laborers. What was an economic consequence of the Black Death? With so many dead, labor was hard to find. Wages went up for laborers.