18. More Special Functions Hermite Functions Applications of Hermite Functions Laguerre Functions Chebyshev Polynomials Hypergeometric Functions Confluent Hypergeometric Functions Dilogarithm Elliptic Integrals
1. Hermite Functions Hermite ODE : Hermite functions Hermite polynomials ( n = integer ) Hermitian form Rodrigues formula Assumed starting point here. Generating function :
Recurrence Relations All Hn can be generated by recursion.
Table & Fig. 18.1. Hermite Polynomials Mathematica
Special Values
Hermite ODE Hermite ODE
Rodrigues Formula Rodrigues Formula
Series Expansion For n odd, j & k can run only up to m 1, hence & consistent only if n is even For n odd, j & k can run only up to m 1, hence &
Schlaefli Integral
Orthogonality & Normalization Let
2. Applications of Hermite Functions Simple Harmonic Oscillator (SHO) : Let Set
Eq.18.19 is erronous
Fig.18.2. n Mathematica
Operator Appoach see § 5.3 Factorize H : Let
Set or
i.e., a is a lowering operator c = const with i.e., a is a lowering operator with i.e., a+ is a raising operator
Since we have ground state Set m = 0 with ground state Excitation = quantum / quasiparticle : a+ a = number operator a+ = creation operator a = annihilation operator
ODE for 0
Molecular Vibrations For molecules or solids : For molecules : For solids : R = positions of nuclei r = positions of electron Born-Oppenheimer approximation : R treated as parameters Harmonic approximation : Hvib quadratic in R. Transformation to normal coordinates Hvib = sum of SHOs. Properties, e.g., transition probabilities require m = 3, 4
Example 18.2.1. Threefold Hermite Formula i,j,k = cyclic permuation of 1,2,3 Triangle condition for
Hermite Product Formula
Example 18.2.2. Fourfold Hermite Formula
3. Laguerre Functions
4. Chebyshev Polynomials
5. Hypergeometric Functions
6. Confluent Hypergeometric Functions
7. Dilogarithm
8. Elliptic Integrals