Italian tent of rehabilitation and listening Germano Pestelli -SIMFER 3 January 201903.01.2019
Italian Tent of rehabilitation..... SIMFER (Italian society of rehabilitation ) has interest about rehabilitation in natural disasters and in particular after earthquakes.The presence of the Society in L'Aquila in 2009 was witnessed by the active aid given to the Aquila Rehabilitation Ward through recognition to the Director of the local Rehabilitation, dott.Giorgio Spacca, of the SIMFER Award 2009, in addition to the presence of the members of SIMFER in the territories of earthquake .Some yers after we was active , as far as we were allowed, to aid in the earthquake in the Province of Modena (2012), even with cooperation, such as Aquila, with the national civil Protection and local aid organizations. 3 January 201903.01.2019
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Emilia Earthquake 2012 3 January 201903.01.2019
Italian tent of rehabilitation.... The idea was born of acquiring a tent with which it was possible to do something directly as SIMFER, according to Civil Defense and the Ministries in charge, directly on places of natural disasters.In Italy and also, if possible, even abroad. The tent in the picture was presented to the National Congress of Ferrara and the next congress of Bari will be defined his task.Luckely from October 2015 did not happen in Italy natural events such as to utilize it. 3 January 201903.01.2019
Italian tent of rehabilitation.. Precisely for this reason it was decided to widen the indications for use of the tent which will be called "Rehabilitation and listening", or to use it, in agreement and collaboration with other organizations working in the field, to bring the rehabilitation where it is difficult to arrive so as in the social disadvantage neighborhoods, in the mountains on the islands and / or where SIMFER partners, on coordination of national board and regional groups, and in agreement with those who will work with us , consider it appropriate to notify the real needs of listening, assistance, rehabilitation of "poor" people with difficulty in reaching health services. Civil Defence, with whom, home to Forli, is allocated the tent will work for the logistics and the practical management of the same. 3 January 201903.01.2019
Italian tent of Rehabilitation We wrote to all members to have ideas and collaboration for : 1-participation in aid activities in natural disasters in the country and / or abroad if the tent could join us and be a sign of solidarity. 2-communicate ideas, also born locally, for use of the tent where it is useful to bring rehabilitation closer to people in places of social problems 3-propose activities by understanding SIMFER and Rehabilitation in the city through participation in local events 4-Propose, perhaps as early in a region, the curtain to be opened in places where usually the Rehabilitation does not arrive.In this case there could be availability of the local Civil Defense to transfer the tent from place to place. 5-any other ideas for the good use of the curtain on the needs of participation and inclusion of disabled people and aid to disadvantaged groups. 3 January 201903.01.2019
Italian tent of rehabilitation 3 January 201903.01.2019
Italian tent of rehabilitation. We think that Rehabilitation must be not only medical but also social and it is usefull that it come out of hospitals and clinics and go near the needs of partecipation of people.We are thinking about street rehabilitation to bring the reha team directly in the community where the disable people are living. 3 January 201903.01.2019
Thank you so much !!! 3 January 201903.01.2019