01 POOLS-3 project www.languages.dk WP3 DISSEMINATION
02 POOLS-3 project www.languages.dk Pools-3 Project Videos Ways of sharing the video materials on social sites and other internet channels: YouTube video
Other ways of using the video materials 02 POOLS-3 project www.languages.dk Other ways of using the video materials Ways of using the video materials created for the purpose of POOLS-3 project: language learning Czech for foreigners video phrase book
Pools-3 Workshop Video 03 POOLS-3 project www.languages.dk Pools-3 Workshop Video The reasons to make a video of the workshop: the video can be used to increase the motivation of the target group the video can be used to share examples of best practices the video is an effective tool of dissemination the video is easy to share through social media Workshop video
A successful dissemination activity 04 POOLS-3 project www.languages.dk A successful dissemination activity Pools-3 will be presented on the national TV channel in November by Petra Schacherlova and Vaclav Stebra The presentation will be available on-line in the Czech TV archive TV archive EU Project on TV
Pools-3 PROJECT 06 POOLS-3 project www.languages.dk LANGUAGE SCHOOL PELIKAN WITH STATE LANGUAGE EXAM RIGHTS, LTD. JAZYKOVÁ ŠKOLA S PRÁVEM STÁTNÍ JAZYKOVÉ ZKOUŠKY PELIKÁN, S.R.O. www.jazykova-skola-pelikan.cz www.pelicanmag.wordpress.com