QSEN Presented by: Diana VanRhee Kim Mcpike Sheila Mahaney Megan Davis on May 2, 2013
QSEN Q S E N Quality Safety Education Nursing
Began in October 2005 Grant from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation History of QSEN Began in October 2005 Grant from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Goal of QSEN
Phase I Phase II Phase III
Six Competencies Patient Centered Care Teamwork and Collaboration Evidence-Based Practice Quality Improvement Informatics Safety
Acknowledging control & full partnership with the patient or designee in providing compassionate and & coordinated care
Fostering open communication, mutual respect, and shared decision-making within nursing and interprofessional teams, to achieve quality patient care
Delivering optimal health care, while integrating best current evidence with clinical expertise and patient/family preferences and values
Current evidence Clinical experts Professional journals
Partnership with patient/family Working as a team Applying current evidence Safety Communication
Quality Improvement Constantly improving the quality and safety of health care by using data to monitor and implement specific methods of current clinical practices (Cronenwett et all(2007)
Safety "Minimizing the risk of harm to patients, and providers through both system effectiveness and individual performance" Cronewett et al(2007)
Potential safety problems Medication dosages Correct patient and surgery
Decision making skills Informatics Communication Knowledge Decision making skills
Time management Accessability Empowerment Informatics Benefits of using technology and informational systems Time management Accessability Empowerment
How QSEN Affects Nursing Practice
Teamwork and Collaboration Patient Centered Care Provide pain Relief Nursing Out Loud Involve Families in Patient Care Consider Patient's Cultural Preferences Teamwork and Collaboration SBAR Rapid Response Teams Interdisciplinary Rounds Nurse to Nurse Bedside Hand Off
Evidence Base Practice Quality Improvement SCIP Marking Surgical Site Time Out Root Cause Analysis Culture of Safety PDSA
Safety Informatics Two Patient Identifiers Patient Armbands Time Out Medication Reconciliation Informatics Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Bar Coding Medications
How QSEN Affects My Nursing Practice Unit Based Council (UBC) Professional Nursing Council (PNC) Keystone Surgery Root Cause Analysis SCIP Electronic Medical Records (EMR)
References American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2012). Graduate Level QSNE Competences: Knowledge Skills and Attitudes Retrieved from aacn.nche.edu Cronenwett, L., Sherwood, G., Barnsteiner, J., Disch J., Johnson, J., Mitchell, P., Sullivan, D., Warren, J., (2007) Quality and saftey education for nurses. Nursing Outlook, 55(3) 122-131 Hawk, n.d Quality and Saftey Education in Nursing. Retrieved from www.ehow.com/facts_7392552_quality-safety-education- nursing.html April 25,2013 QSEN Institute Retrieved from www.qsen.org April 25, 2013