Drama Literature meant to be performed Screenplay; drama written for movies or TV – called a script
Elements of Drama Dialogue Conversation of characters – what they say
Elements Cast of Characters List of everyone in the play; listed in order of importance. Helps keep track of characters
Elements Acts & Scenes; divisions of drama Acts; larger divisions – made up of scenes Scenes; parts within an act – one part of the action happening in a particular time & place.
Elements Stage directions Notes to actors, directors and readers Reveal information about sets, movement and emotion Printed in italics and enclosed in brackets *Dialogue and stage directions - 2 main elements
Elements Staging Brings drama to life Movements, costumes, scenery, lighting, props, camera directions and sound
Elements Characterization Techniques of creating believable characters Dialogue, costume and gestures show you who the person is Character revealed through what they say, what others say about them and their actions – indirect characterization
Elements Theme Central message or insight to life Look for change in main character Explain change, for better or worse – theme should be explained