Stage Craft LO: to identify aspects of stagecraft To be able to evaluate elements of stagecraft
Stage craft Below is a list of the elements of stage craft: The set – modern playwrights often give detailed information and reflect their interpretation. (see History Boys) Props – may have symbolic significance Stage directions – can be related to appearance/personalities of characters but also their actions and movements Costume – can be used to reflect character Lighting, music and sound effects –can be used to reflect mood and reinforce what is happening. Performance and interpretation – the way actors and Directors will shape meaning and effect. Definitions of each
Task Analyse the play you have been given, noting the way in which the playwrights provide direction on the elements of stagecraft. Extra challenge: how does this compare with The Tempest?
Be The Director Write a short essay in which you explain how as a director you would stage the opening scene of the play you are studying. Due Monday 20th February.