ETSI Work Item on “Test Description Language” Bridging the gap between model-based testing and test execution languages such as TTCN-3 Dr. Andreas Ulrich Siemens AG, Corporate Technology
Participant list Nr Name Vorname Organisation 1 Faucogney Anthony ALL4TEC 2 Götzfried Stefanie MBtech 3 Grabowski Jens Univ. Göttingen 4 Hu Shicheng ETSI 5 Kull Andres Elvior 6 Mlynarski Michael NorCom AG 7 Petrenko Alex CRIM 8 Pietsch Stephan Testing Technologies GmbH 9 Réthy György Ericsson 10 Satzinger Thomas MicroNova AG 11 Schulz Conformiq 12 Ulrich Andreas Siemens AG 13 Vouffo Alain Fraunhofer FOKUS 14 Vreck Laurent
Motivation Provide means to support the creation and (graphical) description of test suites and test cases for testing reactive systems Following concepts of scenario-based testing Simple, descriptive models, based on UML SD / (H-) MSC Allow for automatic generation of executable tests Covering testing needs of different application domains for embedded systems: telecommunication – transportation – automation Initial idea presented at ETSI MTS#54 meeting in Tallinn, Estonia, Oct. 2011
What is scenario-based testing? Cam Kaner on Scenario Testing, STQE Magazine, Sep./Oct. 2003 The scenario is a story about someone trying to accomplish something with the product under test. Scenarios are useful to connect to documented software requirements, especially requirements modeled with use cases. A scenario test provides an end-to-end check on a benefit that the program is supposed to deliver. Here we use scenarios to systematically test for the fulfillment of requirements on the software system.
How test scenarios with TDL fit into the MBT testing process System Descriptions State-based Models Interaction Models Requirement Specs Generation of test scenarios Test Scenarios Test Scenario Descriptions Manual creation Generation of test implementations JUnit TTCN-3 . . . Test Execution Frameworks
Workshop goal Expectations on a TDL Scope of a TDL Must requirements Exclusion List of potential features of a TDL Desired features Optional features Future work plan
Agenda 9:00 – 9:30 Opening Welcome, motivation of participants to join the meeting 9:30 – 12:00 Expectation and scope of TDL Opening statements from participants - Conformiq’s view on TDL [Schulz] - Requirements from TPLan [Randall] - 3GPP test prose specifications [Hu] - Graphical logging [Réthy] Summary of discussion 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch 13:00 – 15:30 Potential feature list Potential features for msg.-based systems Other features for systems with shared memory, synchr. calls etc. Modeling options (graphical, textual, needed extensions) 15:30 – 16:00 Closing Wrapping up, agree on work plan [Ulrich]