Graduate Commencement Instructional Information for Doctoral Candidates Assembly Regalia Procession Hooding
Procession begins at 6:40 p.m. Assembly Please assemble with your College. Signs identify each College. Make sure you have a NAME CARD in your hand. Pre-printed name cards will be available in the assembly area. Hold on to your name card and carry it to the stage. You will hand it to the reader’s assistant. Faculty and candidates will walk together. Identify your faculty advisor who will hood you. If your advisor is unavailable, a university official on stage will hood you. Do not carry personal items into arena. Personal items (bags, purses, etc.) should be left with your guests or tucked under your regalia. Procession begins at 6:40 p.m.
Procession begins at 6:40 p.m. Regalia Doctoral Candidates carry hood on left arm. Ensure hood is unbuttoned so it can be easily placed over your head without delay during the ceremony. “unbuttoned” Tassels are worn on the left side of the mortar board. Procession begins at 6:40 p.m.
Procession begins at 6:40 p.m. West Line East Line Each line is lead by a designated marshal. Faculty and candidates walk together with their respective College. Each College is lead by a designated candidate holding a “leader card.” Procession begins at 6:40 p.m.
Stage Procedure & Hooding An usher will prompt your row to approach the stage. Ensure you have your “Name Card” in hand. Give “Name Card” to Reader’s assistant. Candidate walks on stage and stands on the yellow feet (in front of raised platform; not on the platform!) Advisor follows candidate, receives hood, and stands on the raised platform to gently place the hood on the candidate. Candidate turns to shake hands with advisor and then proceeds to center stage to receive Diploma Cover and photograph Turn and face the photographer and smile. A video demonstration follows on next slide
Exit center stage and return to your same seat. Stage Procedure Video Exit center stage and return to your same seat. This video is without sound. If it does not automatically start, please manually press the play button.