BDJH High School Credit Courses: Use high school curriculum Will affect high school class rank Grades will be applied on the High School transcript Will be applied to and affect GPA (Grade Point Average) Mid term and finals carry as much weight as a 6-weeks grade. Each semester is recorded as a permanent grade
How many credits are needed to graduate? All students must complete the 26-credit Recommended High School Program (RHSP) 26-credit Distinguished Achievement Program (DAP) **The following are high school credit courses. ELA 4.0 Math 4.0 Science 4.0 Social St. 3.5 Economics 0.5 PE 1.0 Health 0.5 Foreign Lang. 2.0 Fine Arts 1.0 Comm. App. 0.5 Electives 5.0 Total Program 26.0 ELA 4.0 Math 4.0 Science 4.0 Social St. 3.5 Economics 0.5 PE 1.0 Health 0.5 Foreign Lang. 3.0 Fine Arts 1.0 Comm. App. 0.5 Electives 4.0 Total Program 26.0** **For additional requirements, please see page 7 of the KISD Course Catalog
STAAR End of Course Exam Students must earn a passing score on 12 End of Course exams in the core areas: English Math Science Social Studies
What is a GPA? Grade Point Average Katy ISD uses a weighted grade point scale. A GPA is determined mathematically using all grades earned, excluding: student aides, drivers’ education, and classes designated as GPA-exempt courses. Grade A (90-100) B (80 – 89) C (75 – 79) D (70 – 74) F (69 – Below) Pre AP/ AP Courses 5 4 3 2 Academic Courses 1
Why is my GPA important? Class rank is determined by a student’s GPA. Valedictorian Salutatorian Top ten percent
GPA Calculation 1st Semester Grade 2nd Semester Grade Credit Quality Points Semester Grades English I 100 (4) 95 (4) 1.0 8 2 Geometry 80 (3) 6 Biology 77 (2) 79 (2) 4 W. Geo. Pre AP 95 (5) 92 (5) 10 PE Choir Study Hall EX 0.0 TOTAL 6.0 44 12 TOTAL Points/Semester grades divided by 2 22 **This student has 22 quality points and 6 courses attempted = 3.6667 GPA (22/6 = 3.6667)
Attendance Texas Education Code (TEC) §25.092 requires a student to be in class 90 percent of the days a class is offered in order to gain credit or to be considered for promotion.