Dual Credit for Early Completers
Dual Credit for Early Completers Idaho System for educational excellence Dual Credit for Early Completers This program is intended to support the 8 in 6 program and aligns with the Governor’s Task Force recommendation to provide advanced opportunities for Idaho’s students and the State Board of Education’s goal for 60% of Idahoans aged 25 - 34 to have a postsecondary degree or certificate. The Dual Credit for Early Completers program aims to ease the financial burden placed on families when their students go on to postsecondary education, whether it is college or professional-technical school. Provided by the Idaho state department of education
Dual Credit for Early Completers Idaho System for educational excellence Dual Credit for Early Completers The Dual Credit for Early Completers Program allows High school students the opportunity to complete their state high school graduation requirements early and take up to 36 dual credit courses free of charge—essentially earning up to two years of college credit before ever leaving high school! The Dual Credit for Early Completers program aims to ease the financial burden placed on families when their students go on to postsecondary education, whether it is college or professional-technical school. Provided by the Idaho state department of education
Dual Credit for Early Completers Idaho System for educational excellence Dual Credit for Early Completers The Dual Credit for Early Completers Program is a critical way in which the state is helping to motivate more students in high school and prepare them for postsecondary education. Students get to graduate with their peers and also have a head start on postsecondary requirements Provided by the Idaho state department of education
Dual Credit for Early Completers Idaho System for educational excellence Dual Credit for Early Completers Students completing all state high school graduation requirements at any time prior to the beginning of their final twelfth grade semester or trimester term, except the senior project and any other course that the state board of education requires to be completed during the final year of high school. Students can take up to eighteen (18) credits per semester term or twelve (12) credits per trimester term of postsecondary credits of dual credit courses. Students may participate in the Dual Credit for Early Completers program if they meet their state graduation requirements prior to their final semester or trimester term. Students need not complete their senior year Math requirement in order to be eligible for the Dual Credit for Early Completers program Provided by the Idaho state department of education
Dual Credit for Early Completers Idaho System for educational excellence Dual Credit for Early Completers Average daily attendance shall be counted as normal for such students for public school funding purposes. In addition, the state department of education shall distribute funds from the moneys appropriated for the educational support program to defray the per credit cost charged for such dual credit courses by accredited postsecondary institutions. The amount so distributed shall not exceed seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per credit hour. If the student takes a majority of courses off high school campus, it does not affect the ADA public school funding. Credits received by the student to be reimbursed must be from an accredited postsecondary institution. Method of course payment: ◦District covers course cost upfront (recommended) ◦Parent/student covers cost of course and district reimburses parent/student Reimbursement distributed to districts in February and June of each year Provided by the Idaho state department of education
Dual Credit for Early Completers Idaho System for educational excellence Dual Credit for Early Completers If the student fails to earn credit for any courses for which the department has paid a reimbursement, the student must pay for and successfully earn credits for one course or exam on their own to receive any further reimbursements. Districts receive reimbursements for Dual Credit for Early Completers courses regardless of grade earned. Districts to monitor student standing in program Student are required to remain enrolled at the high school to have their college credits reimbursed. Provided by the Idaho state department of education
Idaho System for educational excellence Data Elements for reporting Dual Credit for Early Completers in ISEE Student Course Enrollment. ProviderSchool: The name of the institution providing instruction or a non-regular course, i.e. virtual or distance learning ProviderInstructer: The EDUID of the teacher of the course. This is the employee of the provider school. Only applies to non-regular course, for example virtual or distance learning courses. CourseCode: The code that best describes the particular course. ProviderSchools are located on the ISEE Main Page / Required Data Collection Elements 2013-2014 / ID Unit Record Collection-Option Sets/ Provider Schools ID tab on the bottom of the Option Sets spreadsheet. providerInstructer: The EDUID of the teacher of the course. Only applies to non-regular course, for example virtual or distance learning courses. courseCode: The code that best describes the particular course. This is the Assignment code used by the teacher. Provided by the Idaho state department of education
Data Elements Continued Idaho System for educational excellence Data Elements Continued Coursetype: The structure and environment for the course CreditsOffered: The offered credit or credit like unit which is to be earned, awarded or otherwise given to the student for meeting or displaying competency, providing adequate growth to support advancing the student to the next grade or class section This would be High School Credit offered for Dual Credit students CreditsEarned: Upon exiting a course, the credit or credit like unit which has been earned, awarded or otherwise given to the student for meeting or displaying competency, advancing to the next grade or class section. Coursetype: V IDLA/Virtual/Distance course/ O Offsite/ R Regular Class/ I Independent Study creditsOffered: The offered credit or credit like unit which is to be earned, awarded or otherwise given to the student for meeting or displaying competency, providing adequate growth to support advancing the student to the next grade or class section This would be High School Credit for Dual Credit students creditsEarned: Upon exiting a course, the credit or credit like unit which has been earned, awarded or otherwise given to the student for meeting or displaying competency, advancing to the next grade or class section. Provided by the Idaho state department of education
Data Elements Continued Idaho System for educational excellence Data Elements Continued DualCredit: Is this a dual credit course? ErlyComp: Is Early Completer? AmtCredit: Dollar amount per credit paid for class. If student is an early completer, what is the dollar amount per credit the student/school is paying for the course rounded to the nearest dollar. dualCredit: That is, do the students receive both high school and college credit for the course? ErlyComp: If course is an Dual Credit course, does student qualify as an Early Completer as defined in Idaho Code? AmtCredit: The amount so distributed shall not exceed seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per credit hour. Provided by the Idaho state department of education
Data Elements Continued Idaho System for educational excellence Data Elements Continued CcIssued: College Credit Issued? CollegeCredits: College Credits Offered CollegeId: College issuing credit CourseContract: Contract in place? CcIssued: Did the student receive college credit for successfully completing the course? College Credits: College Credits Offered: The credits to be awarded by the college for early completers. This will trigger amount of payment CollegeId: College issuing credit: Must be an accredited postsecondary institution courseContract Is there a contract in place between the course provider and the district? Provided by the Idaho state department of education
Example: 002110 - Pre-Calculus (Gr. 9-12) Period Example 1-2B Element Value ID StuId 123456789 local StuId 999999 ID Staff Id 987654321 ID Staff Id2 ID Staff Id3 District Id 999 –YOUR DISTRICT School Id 0999 - YOUR HIGH SCHOOL Provider School Example: 607 Provider Instructor 111111111 Provider Instructor2 Course Code Example: 002110 - Pre-Calculus (Gr. 9-12) Period Example 1-2B Section Id 123456 SectionAlias Course Type Example: V IDLA/Virtual/Distance course Entry Date 9/5/2013 Exit Date 5/24/14 This is an example of what is required in the Student Course Enrollment file in ISEE.
1 (High School Credits Offered) Credit Earned Exit Reason Credits Offered 1 (High School Credits Offered) Credit Earned 1 (High School Credits Earned) Mins Week Example: 240 Grade Ap N - No Ap Exam Ap Exam Pass Dual Credit Y - Yes 8in6CourseCost Erly Comp Amt Credit 75 Cc Issued College Credits 4 (College Credits Offered) College ID 111 – Name of accredited postsecondary institution Ib Tech Prep Course Contract Y - Yes or N -No This is an example of what is required in the Student Course Enrollment file. College ID : Provider Schools are located on the ISEE Main Page / Required Data Collection Elements 2013-2014 / ID Unit Record Collection-Option Sets/ Provider Schools ID tab on the bottom of the Option Sets spreadsheet.
Regional ISEE Technical Coordinator Contacts Idaho System for educational excellence Regional ISEE Technical Coordinator Contacts Chris Campbell ISEE Technical Coordinator - Region 1/2 (208) 503-6368 cacampbell@sde.idaho.gov Tim MeGee ISEE Technical Coordinator - Region 4 (208) 332-6941 tmegee@sde.idaho.gov Roger Sargent ISEE Technical Coordinator - Region 3 (208) 332-6977 rsargent@sde.idaho.gov Roger Evans ISEE Technical Coordinator - Region 5/6 (208) 557-8838 revans@sde.idaho.gov Your Regional ISEE Technical Coordinator Contacts Provided by the Idaho state department of education
Idaho System for educational excellence Additional information about all SDE Advanced Opportunities can be found at: http://www.sde.idaho.gov/site/advancedOpp/ Matt McCarter Director, Student Engagement & Postsecondary Readiness Phone: (208) 332-6961 mamccarter@sde.idaho.gov Jennifer Caprile GEAR UP and Advanced Opportunity Coordinator (208) 332-6944 jcaprile@sde.idaho.gov Your contacts for Advanced Opportunity Provided by the Idaho state department of education