Strategic Plan FY 2019 – FY 2023 Update Hej hej, jag heter. . . . I am very happy to have the opportunity to provide a presentation on Access’ Strategic Plan.
Strategic Plan Purpose Projects from FY 2019 to FY 2023 Transparency and Focus Monthly meetings to CAC, TPAC, Annual Meeting, Subcommittees October - March To review briefly, the Strategic Plan is a document intended to lay out goals for the agency over the next five years. Many are multi-year projects and have the potential to transform the agency and the customer experience for the better. A crucial element of this Plan is to establish an agency Focus and to do so publicly, with input from partners, customers, and other interested stakeholders. Access staff have been giving presentations to the CAC, TPAC, Annual Meeting and now a CAC Subcommittee at least once a month since October.
Strategic Plan Elements Challenges Current Initiatives Future Projects for 2019-2023 This Strategic Plan is broken into three main parts: Challenges facing the agency over the next five years Current Initiatives – Projects that Access is pursuing and expects to have fully implemented before FY 2019. Lastly, the bulk of the Plan is dedicated to Proposed projects for the agency for the next five years
Strategic Plan Focus Areas Safety Customer Service and Customer Education Cost Containment and Streamlined Processes Coordination and Partnership The future projects of Access Services are grouped into four categories, in which the proposed projects address at least one of these four topics: Safety Customer Service or Customer Education Improvements Cost Containment and Streamlined Processes Improved Coordination and Partnerships
Subcommittee Recommendations Challenges - How Addressed by Projects Projects –List Projects at Start of Section Responsible Departments – For Each Project Review Coordinated Plan for Consistency Timelines and Performance Goals In early January a TPAC Subcommittee provided several very good suggestions as to how to improve the Plan’s narrative and impact. The recommendations fell into TWO TYPES : (1) READABILITY and (2) OVERSIGHT First in READABILITY Challenges –The subcommittee wished for it to be clearer as to how Proposed Projects combat challenges Listing the projects – Lay out the individual projects at the beginning of each section. Second in OVERSIGHT Which departments will be responsible for the completion of each project. Review the Coordinated Plan – to see consistency in the goals LAST The last element on this list is establishing Timelines and Performance Goals. When will these projects be completed? This is a crucial element of any Strategic Plan. Access will be working with its Board to have a Board Retreat. During this retreat, the Board will help establish priority projects for the agency. AT THIS POINT, IF YOU WOULD LIKE I COULD REVIEW THE INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS OR WE COULD BEGIN DISCUSSING SOME OF THE ELEMENTS THAT YOU LIKE OR DISLIKE OF THE PLAN AT THIS POINT.
Safety Increase Field Supervision Increase Vehicle Audits Cyber Security safeguards Redundant IT systems The safety of our riders is a paramount concern. To this end staff plans to increase field supervision. The goal is top respond more quickly to incidents and emergencies. Increase Vehicle Audits – with increased ridership come an increase in number of vehicles required to deliver service. The plan is to set a percentage goal of vehicles to be audited on an annual basis Cyber-Security – the integrity of our customer’s personal records is equally important. Staff will work with IT security experts to ensure there are sufficient safeguards to reduce security breach. Mention Bill’s presentation on Cyber Security IT redundancy – continue efforts to ensure continuity of operations in the event of a natural disaster.
Customer Service On-line Trip-Booking and Application Improve Communication & Education Proposed Branding and Signage As you know, staff will be rolling WMR app and text ETAs. Next up to Ability to book trips through the Web or an app. Right not customers can request an Eligibility Application on-line. The plan is to eventually give customers the option to fill out their application on-line Staff will be revising the website. Make it more user-friendly. During the process staff will incorporate instructional videos. One of the first videos will be how to use WMR app Staff will be working with Focus Groups to review proposed logos and other branding. And in addition staff will expand installation of Stand Signs throughout the County.
Cost Control and Funding Facility Ownership Research Centralized Reservations Measures to Reduce No-Show Trips Facility Ownership – One of the COR recommendations addressed Access’ lack of control over facilities. The COR noted that if Access owned or had control over the lease of operator facilities, there is a possibility of increase competition. Another longer term goal from the COR is for Access to investigate the possibility of centralized reservations. Measure M – with dedicated Measure M funding allows…Grants and Medi-Cal
Coordination and Partnerships Member agency collaboration Expand relationship with Social Service Agencies Explore TNC partnerships In the area of coordination and partnerships… Continue to work with our member agencies to promote other mobility options with our customers. Often times there are resources on the local level that may be more appropriate for our customers. Continue to work with social service agencies and hospitals to reduce missed appointments Where feasible, Access will explore partnerships with TNCs to expand mobility options.
Next Steps First meeting of CAC Subcommittee – March Board Retreat – March (tentative) Final Plan Approval – mid-2018 Begin Annual Update to Strategic Plan – mid-2018 This slide spells out the next steps in the development of this Strategic Plan. This, I suspect is the first CAC Subcommittee meeting. Access is intending to have a Board Retreat to discuss the Strategic Plan – but I do not expect this to be the LAST word on the Plan - and incorporate the Board’s priorities as well as any further recommendations by the Board. I would expect the Final approval of the Strategic Plan will happen by the middle of this year and once that is completed, Access will be start work on updating the Strategic Plan.