Macomb County EMS Medical Control Authority (MCMCA) Orientation Debbie Condino, Executive Director Dr. Antonio Bonfiglio, Medical Director Luke Bowen, Operations Manager Anne Wronikowski, Executive Secretary
Today’s Topics MCA Overview Major Initiatives Q & A Responsibility/Authority Structure Board/Committees Major Initiatives Operation Rx / Hope Not Handcuffs Community Paramedicine Q & A
PLEASE: Feel free to ask questions as we move through the presentation today.
Who We Are Health systems and Life Support Agencies comprise the EMS system 28 licensed Life Support Agencies (LSA’s) 17 Advanced Life Support (ALS)- Paramedics 7 Basic Life Support (BLS) 4 Medical First Responder (MFR/EMR) 23 fire-based Macomb County 483.7 Square Miles 865,000 Residents (3rd most in Michigan) 3 of 10 most populous communities in Michigan 92,000+ EMS Responses/Year (911)
Who We Are Not-for-profit corporation owned by the health systems in and adjacent to Macomb County (9 member-owner hospitals) Beaumont Hospital- Grosse Pointe Beaumont Hospital- Troy Henry Ford Hospital Macomb *Henry Ford Hospital Sterling Heights McLaren Macomb St. John Macomb-Oakland Hospital, Madison Heights *St. John Medical Center- Macomb Township St. John Macomb-Oakland Hospital, Warren St. John Hospital & Medical Center * Free-standing emergency services
What We Do Michigan Public Health Code (333.20910) details the responsibilities of the EMS Section of the Division of EMS & Trauma This law and associated administrative rules grants to the MCA the authority to: Oversee protocols* Creation, proliferation, enforcement Medical Direction* Provide Medical Director who: Observes and improves quality of care Recommends agency licensure to the state based upon protocol compliance Provides privilege for each provider to function at their licensed EMS level
MCA Board of Directors Board comprised of a representative from each member-owner hospital (appointed by Chief Executive of hospital), and is supported by the MCA Medical Director and MCA Staff Governing body responsible for all clinical and operational issues of the MCA including Medical Director and staff appointments Supported by the following staff: Debbie Condino, Executive Director Dr. Antonio (Tony) Bonfiglio, MCA Medical Director Luke Bowen, Operations Manager Anne Wronikowski, Executive Secretary
Partnerships The MCA is actively involved in building relationships with and working cooperatively with: Law Enforcement (EMD) State and local legislators MDHHS EMS Division Region 2 North Healthcare Coalition (R2N) Macomb County Executive’s Office Macomb County Emergency Management Macomb County Public Health Other community partners
Committee Memberships Debbie Condino Regional Trauma Network (RTN Chair) Regional Trauma Advisory Council (RTAC) Regional MCA Network Region 2 North Planning Board Macomb Emergency Mgt. LPT & EOC EMSCC: Emergency Medical Services Coordinating Committee EMS Subcommittee MDHHS Community Paramedicine Workgroup Michigan Assoc. of EMS Systems Operation Rx: Steering Committee Member, EMS Subcommittee Chair Luke Bowen Regional Trauma Advisory Council: Data Workgroup Chair Regional MCA Network Region 2 North T&E Subcommittee Macomb Emergency Mgt. LPT & EOC MDHHS EMS Data Taskforce Operation Rx: Data Subcommittee Chair SaveMiHeart: EMS Workgroup Lead
Major Initiatives Operation Rx / Hope Not Handcuffs Initiative to reduce morbidity and mortality from opiate overdose Multiple stakeholder groups Courts/Prosecutors Office Law enforcement EMS Public Health School systems Health care: hospitals, physicians, dentists, pharmacists Substance Abuse programs Community Groups Faith based organizations
Major Initiatives Community Paramedicine / Mobile Integrated Health Programs “Community Paramedicine (CP) is an innovative and evolving model of community-based healthcare designed to provide more effective and efficient services at a lower cost. Community Paramedicine allows paramedics to function outside their traditional emergency response and transport roles to help facilitate more appropriate use of emergency care resources while enhancing access to primary care.” Moving healthcare out of traditional settings (acute care hospitals- most expensive) and into the community. Many programs partner with existing home healthcare agencies.
Major Initiatives Community Paramedicine / Mobile Integrated Health Programs There are a variety of program types, with the two most common being Readmission prevention Identifying certain patient groups that after hospital discharge are likely to return to the hospital Managing their medications, doctors appointments, etc. Complex patient management Identifying patients with complex health histories and working to provide assessment and support outside of the hospital to avoid admission
Major Initiatives Community Paramedicine / Mobile Integrated Health Programs In Macomb County One active program Medstar Ambulance Originally developed with McLaren Macomb Hospital and Henry Ford Macomb Now primary source of patients is McLaren Macomb Hospital Focus: readmission prevention for patients with specific conditions (congestive heart failure, pneumonia, etc.)
Questions CONTACT: (586) 792-1350
Thank you for allowing us to be with you today.