5th Grade AzMERIT 2018 5th Grade AzMERIT 2018 AzMERIT testing is around the corner. If your child attends ALL three full days of testing, then he/she will earn Out-of-Uniform on Friday April 27th. Please do not schedule doctor appointments or take your child out in the middle of the day for lunch. Also, please ensure your child receives a good, nutritious breakfast and at least 8-9 hours of sleep each night. Our testing days are listed below: Monday April 9th- Writing Monday April 16th- ELA/Math Part 1 Tuesday April 17th- ELA/Math Part 2 Thank you for supporting your child's success during AzMERIT testing! Page 91 in Algebra 1 book- 5th Grade AzMERIT 2018 AzMERIT testing is around the corner. If your child attends ALL three full days of testing, then he/she will earn Out-of-Uniform on Friday April 27th. Please do not schedule doctor appointments or take your child out in the middle of the day for lunch. Also, please ensure your child receives a good, nutritious breakfast and at least 8-9 hours of sleep each night. Our testing days are listed below: Monday April 9th- Writing Monday April 16th- ELA/Math Part 1 Tuesday April 17th- ELA/Math Part 2 Thank you for supporting your child's success during AzMERIT testing!