Back to School Night with Mrs. Griffin Welcome Back to School Night with Mrs. Griffin September 10, 2014
The 6th Grade English Units Emphasize Writing Reading Vocabulary Speaking and Listening Thinking (especially creatively)
The Strategic Writer This unit provides a solid foundation for writing throughout middle school and beyond with the focus on mastering the writing process.
Coming of Age Provides background on the theme with an analysis of short stories, poetry, non- fiction, visual arts, and music. Students will read Gifted Hands.
Courage Provides an in-depth look at what is courage through short stories, poetry, non-fiction, visual arts, and music. Students will read Out of the Dust.
Heroes Provides an in-depth look at what makes a hero and how heroes are portrayed throughout literature (short stories, poetry, non- fiction, visual arts, and music). There is an emphasis on folklore: mythology, fairy tales, fables, and legends. Students will read Freak the Mighty.
Technology Just like modern writers, all sixth grade writers are required to type assignments. This will reinforce keyboarding skills and simplify the revision steps during the writing process. We will use Google Docs. In order to see growth and progress on writing assignments, students will save all drafts in their writing folders.
Important Dates Q1 Interims: Thursday, October 2 Q1 Report Cards: Wed., November 12 Fall Conferences: November 24 and 25 Afternoon and evening conference times Scheduled through Pick-a-Time or Guidance First come, first served Other conference times Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7:30-7:50 Other arrangements as needed
How to Reach Me Phone: 410-313-6929 Email: Grades/Parent Portal: Website: